By now you’ve no doubt heard Oprah Winfrey’s galvanizing speech at last weekend’s Golden Globe Awards. Winfrey was one of many Hollywood heavy-hitters who spoke up that night to support  projects like the newly formed Time’s Up campaign. A powerful response to the #MeToo movement that swept across social media late last year, Time’s Up (created and seeded with $13 million in start-up funds by smart, successful women like Ashley Judd and Reese Witherspoon) has already launched several specific projects such as a legal defense fund  to support less-privileged women in pursuing legal action against abusers. Prominent women in law and business are also launching corrective measures, such as the Commission on Sexual Harassment and Advancing Equality in the Workplace, created by powerhouses like Anita Hill and Kathleen Kennedy of Lucasfilm  to  craft policy recommendations for addressing inequalities that contribute to environments of abuse.

I think we can all agree it’s high time that abusers in power get called out for their bad behavior and inequities get rectified. The question is, Why now?  What is it about the current climate that would support the rise of feminine concerns in such an organized, authoritative way?

When words like “organized and authoritative” apply, you can bet that Saturn is in the mix. And indeed, Capricorn’s ruling planet has been sitting pretty since it entered its own sign for three years on Dec. 19 – followed closely that week by the Sun and Venus. Venus in Capricorn was strongly featured at the January 1 Full Moon, the day that Time’s Up was announced in the New York Times.

Saturn possesses a certain gravitas. And, it has a unique affinity with time. Ruler of the mundane world, Saturn moves slowly but gets the job done. It adheres to the Biblical injunction that there is a time for every purpose under heaven. And with Venus (women) so strongly spotlighted in Saturn’s sign and joined by Saturn in Capricorn, our time is now.

The upcoming Capricorn New Moon (Tuesday Jan. 16, 6:17 p.m. PST) features six planets in Saturn’s sign. The New Moon tightly conjoins Venus near the end of Capricorn, calling us to claim our authority and craft whatever decisions or boundaries may be required to protect and support life. Mars, at home in canny Scorpio, sextiles the New Moon, providing access to our most secret feelings and desires. And, Jupiter in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn, aiding the transformation of whatever is outmoded, within or without. Since there are no planets in retrograde through Feb., tangible results can grow from whatever is launched at this New Moon, as long as we stay patient and take the long view. Saturn is more closely aligned with the body than the mind (which can easily get ahead of itself).  So, time’s up on being guided solely by the mind. We must begin listening to the body and heeding its wisdom.

The New Moon also squares rebellious, incendiary Uranus in Aries – newly direct and itching for action. Chaotic events and unexpected changes may require us to let go of preconceived notions and be open to unique, collaborative ways of doing things.  But that’s exactly how our true genius gets called forth.  As Lena Waithe of Master of None wrote in a statement on behalf of Shonda Rhimes’ new project 50/50 by 2020 (a campaign to achieve gender parity and greater diversity in leadership roles), “The things that make us different, those are our superpowers.” So, celebrate your differences! The world is calling for the contributions, small or large, that only you can bring.

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4 thoughts on “Capricorn New Moon: Time’s Up!

  • January 14, 2018 at 1:46 am

    Thank you & Happy New Year, Simone!
    Organized and galvanized,

    • January 14, 2018 at 1:59 am

      I love it, Ellen! Happy New Year to you too!

  • January 14, 2018 at 8:51 pm

    Instead of “time’s up,” I prefer ” it’s time”

    • January 14, 2018 at 10:41 pm

      Saturn would approve of that as well, Karen!


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