Perhaps you’ve heard the Cherokee tale in which an old man was teaching his grandson about life. “A terrible fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is between two wolves. One is evil and the other is good. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.” The boy pondered this for a moment, then asked, “Which wolf will win?” To which the old man replied, “The one you feed.”
This story is particularly fitting for the upcoming Full Moon in Cancer, sign of nourishment (Dec. 22, 9:48 a.m. PST). Generosity or greed, patience or irritability, self-acceptance or self-denial – what will you be feeding at this Full Moon? With the Sun and Saturn in tough Capricorn opposite the Moon in tender Cancer, it could go either way – but you’re always at choice. The Moon is full at the Solstice this year – a rare event that the Almanac says has only happened ten times since 1793. It’s a perfect opportunity to go within (or into the wilderness if you can) and nourish yourself with what’s real and true.
Those of us in the Northern hemisphere are facing down the cold of winter as the Sun enters Capricorn. Patriarchal Saturn sits within orb of the Sun at this Full Moon/Solstice, lending an air of seriousness to the proceedings. Yet Uranus in late Aries, in an out-of-sign trine to the Sun and Moon, could also bring unexpected news or a turn of events that loosens the restraints and helps us relight the spark within. Mercury conjoined Jupiter in Sagittarius fosters renewed hope, and Venus trine Neptune in water signs softens the borders between your heart and others’, while the Moon in sensitive Cancer causes feelings to flow. Everyone will be sensitized and in need of physical and emotional nourishment.
Both the December and January Full Moons have been called Wolf Moons by native tribes in the Northeast part of what’s now the U.S. The name was inspired by the wolves that gathered outside the villages, howling hungrily amidst the bitter cold and deep snow of winter. At this time of year, fires were kept blazing day and night. People would huddle around the flames, surrounded by kin and community, telling tales and dreaming of spring. In this way they were reminded that they were not alone – and that the light and warmth could be found within.
Cancer-Capricorn is the axis of the ancestors – either by blood or by choice. Light a fire (or at least a candle) at this Full Moon/Solstice to honor the memory of those who came before, and ask for their blessings. And as you gather with others during the season, remember to keep feeding the wolf who serves you best.
good reminders for this time of year. Thanks Simone for another brilliant update and guidance on becoming more conscious this new moon. Happiest of Solstice to you!
You’re so welcome, Susan – and happy Solstice to you as well!
This was wonderful as usual! Namaste!
Thanks Linda! So glad you enjoyed it. Happy Solstice!
Love it. Looking out at the bright full moonlight right now, and feeling conscious of the Solstice. Grateful for your words.
Thanks dear one! So wonderful spending time with you last weekend…happy holidays!