Waxing Moon Goddess by Ramona Szczerba
I went salsa dancing last Saturday night for the first time in years. Salsa used to be my world, and I was out dancing at least five times a week. Over time, the scene changed – and so did I. But one of my favorite bands was playing nearby, so I dusted off my dancing shoes and ventured forth. Saw some old familiar faces, drank some wine and enjoyed a few dances – then left at 11 p.m. It was fun, though I needed several days to recover. Despite having much less energy since Covid, I was glad I made the effort to do something pleasurable. And until next time, I’ll just keep salsa dancing around the house with my cat.
Since I love dancing with felines, I was thrilled when my artist friend Ramona Szczerba offered to let me use her whimsical collage of a dancing lunar goddess with an owl and a cat to accompany this essay. It reminded me of the 19th Century poem The Owl and the Pussycat by Edward Lear, which was one of my favorites as a child. When I googled Lear, I discovered he was also a gifted illustrator, who had both the Sun (heart) and Mercury (mind) in Taurus, ruled by lovely Venus. Such an artsy combo – also shared by my talented friend Ramona! You can feel the sensuous delight in Ramona’s art, and hear it in Lear’s words:
“The Owl and the Pussy Cat went to sea in a beautiful pea-green boat,
They took some honey, and plenty of money, wrapped up in a five-pound note.
The Owl looked up to the stars above, and sang to a small guitar,
‘O lovely Pussy, O Pussy, my love,
What a beautiful Pussy you are, you are, what a beautiful Pussy you are!’“
Love, money, honey and song – all hallmarks of the Taurus New Moon (May 7, 8:21 p.m. PT). Taurus is ruled by pleasure-seeking Venus, currently at home in her own sign – and luxuriating at 10 Taurus on one side of the Sun and Moon at 18 Taurus. Jupiter (the other benefic) at 25 Taurus embraces the New Moon from the other side. This is called a “favorable besiegement,” and according to traditional astrologer Nina Gryphon, it brings blessings, benevolence – even miracles. At the very least, it offers beauty and pleasure. Now we’re encouraged to slow down and enjoy the finer things in life – whatever brings us joy.
Uranus, which shook things up at its epochal April 20 conjunction with Jupiter, is also a player at this New Moon. The electrifying conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, still in orb, jumpstarted change in April, but only now at this earthy New Moon does the innovation and momentum that they seeded begin to take root and grow. It’s time to slow down long enough to integrate recent changes and get a sense for what you want to create next. If an important chapter of your life has ended in the last month or so, rest assured that another is about to open up. Especially if your world has been rocked, keep your feet on the ground. Pace yourself – don’t try to do too much. Let your desires and bodily sensations lead the way. Keep things simple: Enjoy a great meal, buy a beautiful new outfit, get a massage, or take a drive to the country to enjoy the wildflowers. Uncomplicate your life; let go of the extraneous. Address any fears about lack or resistance to change (which can be Taurus issues), and use this abundant energy to cultivate prosperity.
Pleasure is at the heart of this New Moon, even in the midst of suffering. No matter what you or loved ones may have been going through, take time for a little enjoyment. Whether you dip back into an old delight, as I did with salsa dancing, or perhaps spruce up your house or yard, the planets are with you. Saturn sextiles this New Moon, lending stability. Mars in its own sign of Aries, unencumbered at last by Neptune, provides firepower. Mercury in Aries, no longer retrograde, stimulates the mind. And, five planets in Taurus help facilitate new projects, purchases and pleasures. Enjoy the magic of this time!
You’re such an amazing person! Love the essay and I’m working in the yard!
Thanks, Diane! Enjoy getting your hands in the earth at this New Moon – may it bring you much pleasure!
I’m a Taurus girl traveling in Italy for the next two weeks with my husband and friends. It has been a “reset” for me and I’m looking forward to what is coming next. I can feel it coming but still feeling the tug of change!! Thank you for putting that in front of me!!
Oh Kathy, how fun! And what a perfect way to indulge your Taurean nature, with all the delights of Italy. Glad the essay helped flesh that out. Cheers, Simone