Batten down the hatches: 2017 is almost here. Especially for those of us in the U.S., the next four years are apt to be uncertain as the new administration finds its footing and attempts to dismantle much of what was accomplished during the last eight years. But regardless of who is president, we can still commit to helping those who are struggling, and to making 2017 a personally rewarding year.
Have you made your New Year’s resolutions yet? Or have you given up on the notion, since they rarely come true? Inspired by Martha Beck’s recent column in O Magazine on why New Year’s resolutions so often fail, I’ve decided to review and reevaluate my 2016 list to help me decide what’s next. The timing seemed appropriate, with Mercury in retrograde conjunct a perspicacious Capricorn New Moon a few days before New Year’s (Dec. 28, 10:53 p.m. PST). So, as Beck did with her list from last year, I examined whether my resolutions were truly aligned with what I want, how I might reframe some of them for 2017 and what insights could be gleaned from what went wrong.
Some of my resolutions (or intentions, as I prefer to call them) did indeed happen. I wrote my book Moon Power, a fruitful if sometimes frustrating collaboration with a publishing house, due out in June. I joined the board of the San Diego Astrological Society and became a vital part of a small but mighty organization, helping to produce events and educate the community. Both of these accomplishments served my intention of joining with others to achieve greater things than I could on my own.
Several other intentions did not pan out, however. Once again, I didn’t lose those infernal 30 pounds. Why not? Upon reflection, I think my body is telling me in the only way it knows how that I need to live larger, to proudly take up space on the planet. So here’s my “resolution redux” for 2017: I resolve to own my greatness and allow myself to expand. Also, I did not unite with the man who’s perfect for me. (There is one interesting prospect, but that remains to be seen.) Meanwhile, I’m rethinking this goal as well. Resolution redux: I resolve to love myself with all my flaws, and to give more love to others, including the man who’s perfect for me.
As you review your intentions for last year and compile your list for 2017, listen closely to what your inner self wants – it might surprise you. Maybe you really want to run for office! (lots of people, especially women, have been inspired to do so after the recent election). Or, perhaps your soul longs to volunteer for a grassroots organization that’s working for change. Rather than heaping yourself with resolutions you’re unlikely to attain (and feeling guilty about it at year’s end), use the lean-and-mean Capricorn New Moon to devise a realistic, doable list. As the New Moon joins retrograde Mercury, ask yourself why former resolutions may have failed, and how you might rethink them. And, be sure to acknowledge yourself for things you’ve attained that weren’t even on your list. For instance, in 2016 I finally broke the life-long habit of stuffing my emotions as soon as they come up – this was huge for me!
At the New Moon, liberating Uranus turns direct after a five-month retrograde – bringing a jolt of energy and a sense of release. Maybe all it requires to make your goals attainable is an attitude shift. Think outside the box: Perhaps allying yourself with an unlikely companion or group could make a long-sought dream come true. Or maybe there’s a habit you’re ready to release now that would make all the difference in your quality of life.
The Capricorn New Moon is especially good for reviewing and re-framing your career. If you need help being recognized for your talents and opinions, try this Capricorn New Moon ritual from my book, Astro Feng Shui: Making Magic in Your Home and Life. And check out the mini-video on that page, which illustrates how to remake your Fame gua to bring in more career recognition and success.