How far would you go to protect someone you love? I just finished watching Wild, Wild Country – a Netflix documentary about the controversial spiritual teacher Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and his disciples, in particular his personal secretary, Ma Anand Sheela. Those of us who followed this bizarre saga as it unfolded in the early 80s remember watching in disbelief as the guru, a rebellious character who championed freedom (especially when it came to sex), transplanted his commune to the wilds of Oregon – only to clash violently with God-fearing locals.
The enthusiastic sannyasins transformed 64,000 acres into a thriving community. Yet with the Jim Jones massacre still fresh in peoples’ minds, the antics of these orange-clad, sex-loving, gun-toting devotees struck fear in the hearts of Wasco County residents. Rajneesh (later known as Osho) and his bliss-filled teachings, detailed in brilliant books like Tantra, Spirituality and Sex, were indeed revolutionary. Yet Osho, who was deported back to India in 1985 amid charges of immigration fraud and died five years later, was very much a flawed human being.
Osho craved power and wealth. And he found a willing accomplice in his closest confidant, Ma Anand Sheela, who helped him amass over $50 million in assets (including 94 Rolls-Royces!) Interviewed for the series, Sheela readily admitted that she was in love with her master. Though they were apparently not having a sexual relationship, she was willing to go to dangerous lengths to cover for him. She ultimately incurred his wrath by fleeing the commune, and testified that he was complicit in her criminal activities (which he vehemently denied). She ended up pleading guilty to attempted murder of a government official and assault during her involvement in a 1984 bio-terror attack.
Sheela was given absolute power, and she abused it. But who among us has not moved mountains for our beloved? Her Capricorn Sun and Mercury are conjunct Osho’s Mars, Mercury, Venus, Moon and Saturn in his eighth house of shared wealth and secret dealings. Together, they wielded unimaginable power. Once I saw that, I realized why Wild, Wild Country was popping up on Netflix right now – with an impending conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Capricorn, exact on April 2. Mars in its exaltation conjunct Saturn in its domicile gives access to power and rewards those who are focused and persistent. Yet dealings with authority figures (such as the law) are also likely. We need to stay centered in our inner authority and handle relationships with as much maturity and restraint as we can muster, especially near the Libra Full Moon (March 31, 5:36 a.m. PDT). This tricky Full Moon conjuncts retrograde Mercury and squares Mars-Saturn in Capricorn. Full Moons illuminate, so whatever is out of integrity – on the world stage or in your personal life – is apt to be revealed. The involvement of retrograde Mercury says that whatever is coming to a head now has been brewing for some time.
The Moon in Libra opposite the Sun in Aries is strongly polarizing. You could find yourself having to choose between your own needs and someone else’s. Ask yourself: What am I doing in the name of love (or duty)? And is it working? Whether it’s me vs. you or us vs. them, fairness and justice take center stage. Think carefully before you argue or accuse, as retrograde Mercury can easily twist your words. The best use of this Full Moon is to reflect on your true motives and goals. To examine your commitments. Mars-Saturn is like a knife – wield it wisely. If you must slice something away, do it in a clear-headed, impartial manner. Be as authentic as possible in all your dealings – and trust that justice will be served.
Hi Simone,
Wow, this is an eye opener. Makes you sit up and take notice to walk the straight and narrow. Or, maybe just stay in bed. LOL
Staying in bed is always an option, Diane! Sometimes it’s tempting to fear the planetary show…but everything has a constructive angle if we can only stay focused on it! Cheers, Simone
I am a bit Surprised Simone that you would put out there (as if it were facts )what the media reported in the 80’s as well as today as a film. You must know that generally most media are there to feed the voracious ego that craves outside stimulae. Many “facts” that you have in your above example are not necessarily facts at all. Many of which we may never know what was the real story. It takes courage to just be with the Mystery without the ego mind always needing to weigh in with its judgements and opinions spoken as if they are actually true. I have known you in the community and was very saddened. Cynthia
I thought the filmmakers did a pretty good job of remaining impartial and letting the various participants speak for themselves. It’s true that I never met Rajneesh, though as I said in the article I love his writing on sexuality – he definitely had great gifts for the world! We are all a mixture of good and bad, high and low, and though the complete ‘true story’ may never be known, I think it still stands as a cautionary tale that we can learn from. Simone
Way great, Simone. Thanks for the strong and clear message. Wake up and pay attention. I will watch my words AND think carefully as I consider a legal situation. Regards.
Oh yes please be careful with legal matters right now, Tanene! Glad the essay was helpful. 🙂
Simone, As usual, your explanations of astrological occurrences, tying in historical examples with the present, then offering tips for practical application, is just priceless. Your reports assist me in flowing with optism and self-sovereignty. Stories are such a great subconscious way to gain insight, and when reflected upon, can lead to the super consciousness, like the cautionary tale.about Rajneesh, his secretary and their scandals.
In my early 20’s I had an eye opening experience with that organization that led me to be very discerning about cults. When I lived in L.A. , there was a Rajneesh center a few blocks away, that served dinners for $5. The food was good. They’d play a video of Rajneesh during dinner, which I didn’t pay much attention to. There were couches and chairs. Some of these “old” people, 40/50/60, LOL,would randomly hook up, making out, start rolling around on the floor and couches. The food was good, but I got out before the orgy went into full swing.
Then I had a scary experience and never went back. It was dark. Night had fallen. A Rajneesh follower offered to drive me home. All the way, maybe half a mile drive, and after pulling up to my house, this old fart tried talking me into having sex with him in his VW van. I contined declining, while he repeated, “What are you so afraid of?” What a creep. Fortunately, I got out unmolested. I learned some discernment.
It’s a fun challenge for me, to learn here in the school of life, and your generous reports, Simone, are so greatly appreciate.
Marguerite Baca
Wow – what a tale, Marguerite! You should have gone to the Krishna Temple instead, the meals were free (as I recall) and no orgies or dirty old men to contend with. 🙂 Thanks for weighing in with your experience, though. And I’m so glad you like my method of using historical examples to illustrate current astro trends. It’s how I like to learn, so I figure others will too. I think it’s the journalist in me coming out. Always find the “hook”!! Hugs, Simone
Hi Simone,
Thank you again for such a clear definition of this coming full moon. I truly appreciate your use of history to illustrate what the energies will be similar to. It assists me in my own clarity as well as the clarity I can offer to my clients & students.
Two thoughts: When I am teaching anything that touches on the “good vs bad” concept, I discovered through my own work and healing years ago, that it was more accurate to refer to that old duality as light/shadow – which for me literally means conscious/unconscious. The danger of people believing that someone else holds the key for them to be in bliss, is they cannot see or reconcile that 99% of us on this planet are unconscious most of the time; even when we are working on awareness to get out of our heads and just be. And sexuality, when used as the doorway to “enlightenment’ (which is Not a destination, but a moment by moment experience as long as I stay in THIS moment – be absolutely present & INhabit my body) so easily slips into the shadow side – the unconsciousness – where addictions are created . . . so now, spirituality is the justification and rationalization for sex addiction, in all it’s forms. Including Rajneesh withholding sex from Sheela while in an intense emotional relationship with her. He had the power. Sex addiction is all about power, as is religious addiction. That’s why we see so many clergy from every religion, get called out for their inappropriate sexual behavior. And all of this power/sex/money energy begins in the 2nd chakra. As with everything else, there is a conscious and unconscious side with each chakra. This is the primer stuff I teach my students. Then push them out to find their own way from that foundation. So many people are looking for someone else to abdicate their personal responsibility to. And those just become co-addicted relationships.
Thank you for all you do. I’ve read and listened to you for several years now.
Wonderful input, Carin! Thanks for sharing. And glad you’ve been enjoying my offerings. Happy Full Moon!
Hi Simone:
As always, a remarkable insight to write about at this time of planetary changes.
Thank you!
Thanks and blessings, dear one.