We think that the point is to pass the test or overcome the problem, but the truth is that things don’t really get solved. They come together and they fall apart. Then they come together again and fall apart again.  It’s just like that. The healing comes from letting there be room for all of this to happen: room for grief, for relief, for misery, for joy.” ―Pema Chödrön

When I saw the images of Notre Dame collapsing into flames, like many others I was shaken to the core. The beloved cathedral has anchored the same spot in Paris for 850 years – so long that it seemed permanent, unshakable. Yet in a savage reminder of the impermanence of life, its iconic roof and spire have burnt to cinders. This is not the first time that the cathedral has been desecrated – many of its religious images were destroyed or damaged during the French Revolution of the 1790s. And French billionaires have already vowed to fund reconstruction of the roof and spire – so there’s no doubt Our Lady will live to see another day.

Still, one can’t help but think of the chaotic Tower card in the Tarot, depicting a tall structure perched atop a mountain, with lightning setting it on fire and people leaping from the windows. It represents a sudden breakdown of the old so that new life can rush in (or a sudden surge of energy that leads to a breakthrough or revelation). It’s noteworthy that this energy enters through the top of the building, knocking off the roof to awaken the crown chakra. We’re reminded that divine intervention is always a factor, even in disaster.

At the time of the Notre Dame fire, Venus squared retrograde Jupiter in Sagittarius just after the Sun trined it. Jupiter’s backward turn in its own sign last week focused energy on the partial destruction of a time-honored institution, while the Aries Sun has inflamed the proceedings. Yet Jupiter in Sagittarius also calls us to a higher spiritual awareness. When retrograde, a planet takes us back to the past to recover what’s been missing. So, we could look at this as a fiery call for awakening from a long-neglected Goddess demanding her due. Especially as the site on which Notre Dame sits was reportedly once a temple to Isis.

The upcoming Libra Full Moon (April 19, 4:12 a.m. PDT) catalyzes unpredictable Uranus – often associated with the Tower card. The Full Moon is also at the critical 29th degree, a “last gasp” energy that brings about changes or endings of old ways of being – especially involving relationships. As the second Libra Full Moon in a row, this authentic “blue moon” brings our attention once more to whatever winds of change began stirring at the March 20 Equinox/Full Moon at zero Libra.

Headstrong Mercury charged into fiery Aries on Tuesday night, with Venus soon to follow on Saturday, so things are apt to happen fast. Aries is a me-first sign, independent and sometimes pushy. Many of us may be acting impetuously, especially those with strong fire placements.

Taking space might be your best option, as the Full Moon’s square to heavy-duty Pluto brings pressure to bear on close connections. If you’ve been holding back from saying what’s really on your mind, it may come barreling out of your mouth now. The Moon’s sextile to Jupiter will help you speak the truth. But don’t let an unbridled desire for freedom cause you to burn bridges you may later want to re-cross. If irreconcilable differences exist, they need to be addressed. But take time to go within before doing something rash. You may just be feeling that natural process of things falling apart so that they can come back together again in a new way.

20 thoughts on “Libra Full Moon: Things Fall Apart

  • April 16, 2019 at 10:37 pm

    Thank you for this message As I watched the cathedral burn I had the thought that the event should mark a new beginning. It seemed symbolic to me and a call of the feminine. I long for a shift.

    • April 17, 2019 at 2:27 am

      I think we all long for a shift, Linda. May this be the beginning of just that!

    • April 17, 2019 at 3:25 pm

      Linda, I had the same thought/feeling. It is time !

      • April 17, 2019 at 3:55 pm

        Amen to that!

  • April 16, 2019 at 11:39 pm

    Great message. Thank you !

    • April 17, 2019 at 2:28 am

      You’re welcome, Donna!

  • April 17, 2019 at 2:23 am

    Definitely feeling the pressure to change things at work the last two days. Trying to heed your advice and not speak rashly, but still get my point across. A little anxious to see how things turn out over the next couple of weeks. Hopefully no burning buildings, just a clearer vision of my future work situation. Thanks for your insights!

    • April 17, 2019 at 2:28 am

      You’re so welcome, Mikey! Do keep me posted on how things turn out. Will be holding good thoughts for you. 🙂

  • April 17, 2019 at 2:43 am

    Thank you Simone, as always clear and inspiring! xoox

    • April 17, 2019 at 2:43 pm

      Bless you, Francesca!

  • April 17, 2019 at 3:09 am

    thank you for this Simone ~ the full moon is exact on my natal sun…I like how you mentioned the ” last gasp” energy that brings about changes or endings of old ways of being…feels like a theme of my life…transitions.

    • April 17, 2019 at 2:43 pm

      Hi Martine, yes I suppose with your Sun at the anoretic degree, you would have become an expert at closure by now! May this Full Moon bring clarity and assistance how ever you need it…

  • April 17, 2019 at 11:03 am

    Thank you! When watching the coverage of the fire I was asking what is the spiritual meaning of this fire. Your well written, beautifully articulated blog answered that question. Much appreciated.

    • April 17, 2019 at 2:41 pm

      So glad it was helpful, Kristen! Have a blessed Full Moon…

  • April 18, 2019 at 12:01 am

    As I am nursing myself out of a concussion that has triggered the resurfacing of some deep childhood trauma. Totally feeling the ending and beginning of the new me to emerge. Very grateful for your guidance and wisdom!

    • April 18, 2019 at 1:39 am

      May your healing process be swift, Francesca, and your new life emerge in perfect timing!

  • April 18, 2019 at 12:25 am

    Hi Simone,
    I hope this finds you well.
    I wanted to just respond to your monthly posting & comment(s) about the Norte Dame church burning. So far, they think it was a screw up & fault of a restoration crew, not some terrorist plot or act of hatred. Not sure about the fires you referred to throughout France, as well as the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, that you called “subversive acts”. It’s definitely crazy times (from our lack of political leadership, to all the Nationalism that’s occurring globally) but lets not make things worse by scaring people even more than they already are. The bad is bad, the fear is high, and the weak are running amok; so now more than ever, we need to hold strong to courage, truth & strength and not let the worst of us, get the best of us. Please be careful not to stoke the “flames of fear” and give your readers even more of a reason to not care or feel pessimistic about our futures. Thank you & keep up the great work (almost always) that you do…Db

    • April 18, 2019 at 1:53 am

      Hi Dennis, Yes I heard that too, that the restoration crew was apparently at fault. I threw that essay together quickly based on the info that was available at the time. It does seem incredible that the Notre Dame fire would happen at the exact same time as the mosque fire in Jerusalem! Strange times we live in. The feedback I’ve received so far has been overwhelmingly positive, however, so I trust that my readers are willing to overlook an occasional lapse in judgment – especially when Mercury has just bumbled his way into Aries! Cheers, Simone

  • April 19, 2019 at 1:03 pm


    Enjoyed the insights and appreciate your thoughts embracing all possibilities in regard to the cause of the ND fire.

    Religious extremists are most certainly attempting to halt alternatives and lifestyles not within their narrow purview, and the coincidences of the two fires is worthy of attention.

    Those putting forth any inkling if terrorism are being quickly shamed or dismissed, but the energy of the day still shines a light in this possible truth.

    Suppressing the stark reality of the rise of religious oppressors and their effect on the freedoms of others is merely burying ones head in the sand.

    Further, as relayed, we are wise enough to discuss and draw our own conclusions without being cautioned that the flames of fear will consume us.

    May the full moon shine well in the world. Wild times indeed.

    All best,


    • April 19, 2019 at 2:43 pm

      Thank you so much for your affirmative thoughts, Candyce. I think Dana Gerhardt put it best in her essay at Mooncircles.com: “You could say that whether the fire was intentional or accidental also matters, but for a culture who believes gods are speaking, there are no accidents. It’s all intentional.”


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