In the midst of a pandemic, as we scramble to shore up our financial resources, comes a timely blessing and opportunity. Tomorrow, March 27th we have Venus, powerful in her own sign of Taurus along with the Moon, exalted in Taurus, on a Friday, the day that’s sacred to Venus, under a waxing Moon.…
Aries New Moon: Going Viral
A new season is upon us and all of nature is coming back to life. The March 19 Equinox marks a fresh start. Yet here we are in the midst of a pandemic, trapped in our homes, insecure about our physical and financial well-being.…
Virgo Full Moon: The Voice of Reason
Sometimes it’s hard to know which end is up. We’re living in a time of hype and fear-mongering, especially over the last few weeks with Mercury retrograde in fuzzy-headed Pisces (it has now backtracked briefly into Aquarius, where it turns direct on March 9).…