This time of worldwide illness and quarantine is frustrating beyond belief. But it has also proved to be an incubator for creative collaborations – from teenagers shopping for elderly neighbors to people rescuing foster pets at drive-through shelters. And, things can happen quickly when motivation is keen. For instance, manufacturing mastermind James Dyson recently got a call from the UK Prime Minister asking him to build much-needed ventilators for COVID-19 patients. Dyson and his company got to work and—in just ten days—created an effective, easily duplicated ventilator. Production is slated to be finished early this month, hopefully in time to save lives and curb the trajectory of the coronavirus.
This is just one of many such innovative collaborations happening all over the globe. We are getting creative – a process that’s reaching a peak right now. Collaboration and creativity are hallmarks of the approaching Libra Full Moon (April 7, 7:35 p.m. PDT). Libra is about sharing, caring, fairness and justice. And Full Moons certainly bring things into the light. This one magnifies everything as it squares Jupiter and Pluto. With the Sun in Aries, Moon in Libra and Jupiter-Pluto in Capricorn – all cardinal signs that demand action – much will be coming to a head in the next week or so. Breakthroughs are likely, due to a Mars-Uranus square also happening on April 7. Though this aspect can be volatile and destabilizing, it also lights a fire beneath us to make quick changes. Additional clarity and ability to act could come by April 10 when Mercury finally leaves Pisces, where it’s been since early February, and charges into fiery Aries. Though it may not signal the lifting of quarantines just yet, this should still should bring some hope.
In the meantime, we’re all adjusting to the “new normal.” Since Mars joined Saturn in Aquarius on March 31, restrictions have grown tighter, along with frustration and anger. Even when we understand the need for social distancing and staying home, it can still be hard to take – especially with financial constraints. Some might be lashing out or acting “crazy” as this Full Moon approaches. You may already be feeling this energy or seeing it in loved ones. Cut yourself—and everyone else—plenty of slack. Make sure you’re exercising, as you’ll need a healthy escape valve. Discuss your feelings and fears with those you trust. Though it may be cold comfort, remember that the old is collapsing to make way for the new. Lift your arms up to the beautiful Full Moon on Tuesday night and ask for her help. All of nature wants to collaborate with us now to create a more egalitarian world!
Thank you very much for this entertaining and accurate description of what we are experiencing as a collective. Namaste
You are so welcome, Francesca!
Thank you Simone. It sure is nice to know I’m not the only one feeling this way and that it is natural to be feeling the way I am. And thank you for the words of hope
You’re welcome, Martha – and happy Full Moon!
Oh my Dear Simone… thank you for putting it so eloquently that there is no going back to the same old, same old, especially with this extreme high price humananity pays … .. let’s hope that awareness and consciousness rises and helps the old paradigm to either get in line, or be obsolete. I am ever grateful for your diligent service , and artistic way to enlighten us….
I appreciate you as well, dear one. So glad my words hit home. Love you…
Thank you Simone, it’s a brilliant opportunity for creativity and for partnerships that challenge the status quo ante.
On the subject of your Pluto-Sun opposition – are you experiencing a lot of ‘authority’ issues? And challenges to your intuition? It sounds like a massive toughie to go through. Goos luck, you are transforming everything as you nurture yourself to maturity…
Hi Karen,
Glad you enjoyed the essay. I think we’re all experiencing authority issues right now, Pluto transit or not! Nobody likes to feel they are restricted from doing what they want to do, least of all a Sun-Uranus person like me. 🙂 But Pluto definitely has his uses, and I’m doing my best to bow to them gracefully.
Happy Full Moon!
Hi Simone,
Truly appreciate you sharing how the current energies taking place on our planet are affecting you. Several astrologers have taken the approach of don’t by into the drama, and you’ll be fine. Sure. I have sun, Venus, north node in Capricorn with moon in cancer, so yes; I’m begging for mercy.
Cheers to you wise sage.
Yes, Linda, not an easy time for us Capricorn-Cancer types, eh? But we will make it through this, drama or not. Cheers back atcha!
Having just learned from your book that I am a Libra Moon person, this old Leo Sun is more than a little rattled by what’s going on around me and what approaches this week. But I will lift my arms to that full moon on the 7th and hope for the best.
You will be missed on FB but I know of several people taking the same break. Stay safe and know you are so appreciated.
Thanks so much, Diana. Hope you enjoy ‘your’ Full Moon!
Thank you for assistance in reading the stars and our natural world. I appreciate your writing and postings ❤️ Victoria
So glad they’ve been helpful, Victoria! Thanks for letting me know.
Hi Simone. Thank you for such an uplifting essay! ❤️
You’re welcome, Diane! I hope that you’re faring well, and may this Full Moon bless you!