Recently I decided to clean all my light fixtures. In some cases, this had not been done in ten years. It’s amazing how much filth can accumulate in that length of time – and it definitely hadn’t been doing my feng shui any favors! The taking-down-and-cleaning part was easy, but when it came time to put the fixtures back up, I could not figure out how to do it. Each one was more confounding than the last. Still I persisted, until finally reaching a boiling point of frustration at which I screamed something unprintable.
I have never been good with the material world. Yes, I’m a dependable person who pays my taxes (prepared by someone else) and deeply loves nature. But when it comes to understanding how things work, I’m at a loss. Having no earth in my chart doesn’t help, and neither does my lack of planets above the horizon – which also explains my lack of drive to make a mark on the world. I’m mostly content just puttering about the house and yard and communing with my cat (a tendency that’s gotten more ingrained over the last year.)
But one good thing about being home so much is that my understanding of Astro Feng Shui, the system I created in 2009, has deepened and expanded. Now, 12 years later, as transiting Jupiter returns to my Midheaven (career point) where it was when that uniquely Aquarian system was birthed, I’m suddenly excited to share it again! In fact, I’ll be doing a talk on June 11 called “Astro Feng Shui for the Post-Pandemic Era” for the San Diego Astrological Society (most likely online; I’ll send out a notice closer to the date in case you’d like to join us). I’m also looking into updated ways to help you work the system in your home at the optimal power times for you personally. And, in the meantime, there’s always my book, Astro Feng Shui.
If you’re ready to clean, clear and lighten your load, you can’t beat the Virgo Full Moon (Feb. 27, 12:17 a.m. PST). (In my book, I recommend the Virgo New Moon for this purpose, but anytime Virgo is prominent you have a great opportunity to deal with the nuts and bolts of your life.) This Full Moon is a delicate balancing act between the fluid, dreamy Pisces Sun and the earthy, practical Virgo Moon. It’s a powerhouse for creativity – I know a talented photographer who has this combo. And, the Sun and Moon are beautifully aligned with innovative Uranus in Taurus, facilitating an understanding between the right (Pisces) and left (Virgo) sides of the brain. Also, Venus in Pisces, where she is exalted, is traveling close to the Sun – adding an extra dose of creativity, inspiration, compassion and flow.
It’s tempting now to just relax and enjoy the moment. Or, you could take advantage of the industrious Virgo energy to do a clean sweep of your environment and remove the dust and clutter that’s been weighing you down. In Astro Feng Shui, Virgo corresponds with the Health gua – or the center of your home. If you’ve been feeling lackluster or downright unwell, cast a sharp eye on this area now. Clean it thoroughly, and remove any half-dead plants, dried flowers or anything dark and dreary. Yellow is the color for this area, and earth is its element. Add a bright, nature-themed picture (perhaps with yellow flowers), or anything else that’s cheerful and makes you light up when you see it.
In my opinion, the best enhancement for the Health gua is a ceramic bowl full of lemons. When I look at a lemon, I see wellness and vitality. In fact, I have a Meyer lemon tree in my yard, and take pleasure in squeezing the semi-sweet juice into my water each day. Lemons elevate the energy in your home, and help to clear a stuffy space. So put a bowl of them in the central area (it’s okay to place it on the periphery of that gua if need be), and give voice to an affirmation that you’re thankful for greater vitality.
As for me, after my recent tussle with those vexing light fixtures, I’ve decided to honor my limits. So I invited a handy friend over to deal with the situation. I’ll watch in awe as he does the job with ease – the same way he’ll look at me, I imagine, when I illuminate his transits for him. And after he leaves I will speak my own affirmation, “I am at peace with the material world.”
Interesting. Lemons huh? I generally use Apples, but hey, I can see the light in Lemons for clearing. Thanks for the many heads up. and Light.
Apples are good too! Whatever you resonate with. Glad you enjoyed the essay…
Simone, I will put fresh lemons in my kitchen! My friend is just stating to learn about astrology & im going to introduce her to your book! A great combo: Feng Shui and Astrology!
Happy Full Moon in Virgo!
Same to you, dear! And enjoy those lemons…
I’ve always enjoyed your astro feng shui articles. I hope you’ll bring back the feng shui makeovers too! those were always fun. On a side note, I have south node in Virgo and north node in Pisces and I feel like that makes me always striving for a level of order and cleanliness my 5 planets/centaurs in Pisces can never actualize!
That sounds about right! Virgo definitely dreams of perfection…but Pisces just wants to enjoy life! I’d almost forgotten about those feng shui makeovers, will think about how (since technology has changed) I might be able to do that again in a different format…
Hi i love reading your column
I need to ensure i hear the session in june! I want to know more about what you do!
Im about to get the book… didnt know you had one and in the near future i hope to get a reading i just like 3 weeks ago learned my rising and moon but alas what does it mean and adding in fung shui …. i need it all. I pray my book is here before my March 17 birthday
Hi Teeya, welcome to the wonderful world of astrology and feng shui! If you’re ordering the book now, I’m sure you’ll get it before your birthday. In the meantime, happy full moon!
I am so pleased you are re introducing your brilliant concept of Astro FengShui Simone!
As a life long student of Astrology and Certified in Feng Shui I feel the marriage between the two
is“ a match made in heaven” and worthy of a wide audience.
I will be putting a bowl of juicy oranges in my Health Gua. A symbol of vibrant health and the Sacral Chakra with all its creative potential.
Happy Full Moon!
Oranges sound great, Stella. And yes, here’s to a great marriage between astrology and feng shui!
Thank you for your article and I so enjoy your excellent writings every month. Perfect timing as I have been purging of many material belongs since I am in contract to sell my home. Letting go is not always easy but my husband and I co-authored “Pack Lightly: Making Sense of the Second Half of Your Life” and we are moving more toward the practice of what we write about.
You’re so welcome, Lisa! Your book sounds well-timed on every level – best of luck with your move!
Awe, wonderful Meyer lemons. Have a patio one. Her name is Bella and she gives us baskets full of lemons!
Your essay is wonderful. Just what I needed. ❤️
So glad, Diane! I love that you named your lemon tree…and what a beauty she is! Mine doesn’t give quite the output that yours does, but I’m grateful for whatever I get! Happy Full Moon…