In the thought-provoking new film Nomadland, someone refers to people like Fern, the character played by Frances McDormand, as homeless. “Not homeless,” she counters, “just houseless. It’s not the same thing.” Ousted from her long-time home after the company town she lived in went belly-up, the scrappy widow has taken to the road in her converted van, working seasonal jobs to support herself. And she takes fierce pride in this independent lifestyle, despite its inevitable hardships.
Thanks to Chloe Zhao’s masterful writing and directing and McDormand’s transcendent performance, we get a peek behind the curtain of the nomadic existence, with all its pain and glory. The folks Fern befriends are played by real-life nomads, many of them past retirement age. Through them, we get to contemplate life’s fragility. We feel the tension between the settled and unsettled life, between what they’ve found and what they’ve had to leave behind. As one reviewer put it, “Fern and her friends are united as much by the experience of loss as by the spirit of adventure. So many of the stories they share are tinged with grief. It’s hard to describe the mixture of sadness, wonder and gratitude that you feel in their company.”
These feelings are the hallmark of Pisces and its ruler, Neptune. Associated with the depths of the sea, Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and the essence of mutability, flow and endings. It reminds us of the next realm, the Otherworld that parallels our earthy existence. This energy, which has been building like a wave all week, crests at the Pisces New Moon (March 13, 2:21 a.m. PST). It opens the floodgates of love and loss, as well as magic and the bittersweet nature of life in a body. Venus and Neptune are conjunct in Pisces at the New Moon, adding to the swell of oceanic energy that washes away the past and brings inspiration. Thanks to Venus, exalted in Pisces, wild, romantic vibes are in the air – magnifying the need to love and be loved. Falling for fantasies may be tempting. This much emotional Pisces energy can also feel overwhelming or exhausting. Especially if you’re an empath, you can expect to receive an influx of impulses, impressions, dreams and desires. Not all of them need to be acted upon, however.
With four Pisces planets squaring the Nodes in mutable Gemini and Sagittarius, you may feel an urge to throw caution to the wind and make a big lifestyle change. You might even be tempted (especially after seeing Nomadland, available on Hulu) to follow the risky lure of the open road. Just be sure to reflect and research to determine whether whatever you desire (especially the nomad’s life) is right for you. Things should be clearer after the March 20 Spring Equinox, when the Aries Sun burns off Pisces’ fog.
Meanwhile, if you’re mourning a loss or feeling down at this poignant New Moon, I send you a hug. It’s all part of the healing process. Toward the end of Nomadland, Fern visits the ocean (the ultimate Neptune/Pisces symbol), after releasing the burden of her past. And soon thereafter she’s reminded that there really is no final goodbye. Merely, “I’ll see you down the road.”
Oh, Simone!
I always love your writings but sharing your dream about the alligators your dad left in your backyard made me laugh out loud! I have wild and funny dreams too! as many folks do. I took a week-long intensive at the Monroe Institute, held at Dunderry Park, Ireland, back in 2016. It was entirely focused on lucid dreaming! Now, I’m playing with my dreams!
SO Much Love to YOU!
Much love to you, too! That dream workshop sounds wonderful. My dream of the alligators was actually spot-on, as I’d just removed a lot of stuff from the house and yard that had once belonged to my dad. And, doing inner work on releasing beliefs that he installed in me years ago. Why alligators, though? Will have to research that more. Happy dreaming!
I can’t wait to see this movie, “Nomadland!” And I love Frances McDormand! Thanks for turning me on to it.
You’re so welcome, Mary! Hope you enjoy it. And happy New Moon!
Simone, I have just discovered your Astro Feng Shui book and am savoring every page.
I have enjoyed your new moon readings since discovering your site a few months back. Your intuitive insights, especially during these tumultuous times, are much appreciated.
Many thanks,
I’m so happy you’re enjoying my book and essays, Christine! New Moon blessings to you…
How beautiful! Thank you Simone for a lovely reading for the Watery Bliss of the Pisces new moon. Happy fishing in the unconscious to bring up the hidden treasures…
Same to you, Karen! Glad to hear my essay fell on receptive ears…
I enjoy these posts immensely and want to thank you for the wonderful work you do. I have faith that we are going through a deep awakening and that this darkness of this disillusioned time we have surrendered to is surely being chipped away, but sometimes I wonder, will we ever break free from the lie and have courage to create a better world. From what I see on the news globally it concerns me that we chose the chaos that we know rather than the beauty of the unknown. Your posts are one of the few things that give me hope. Thank you.
That pleases me greatly to hear that my posts are giving you hope, Stavroula!Thanks so much for letting me know. I do believe that we have passed a tipping point in which we’ll see more and more light and consciousness as time goes on. We just have to stay patient and have faith, since so many people are fearful and lashing out against these new energies coming in. Many blessings and happy New Moon to you!
Your post brought me hope that by March 20th some of this fogginess I’ve been living in will lift. Good to swim in the waters of Pisces/Neptune, feel what I’m feeling, let it go and begin again as life moves forward into a new zodiacal year. Thank you Simone!
You’re so welcome, Susan! Yes it’s certainly a foggy time right now…but spring is on the way! Many blessings to you…I remember our dinner in Balboa Park fondly…
Simone, thanks for this wonderful post & review of Nomadland! I’m eager to see it. I’ve been intrigued by Bob Wells & his fascinating youtube channel (Cheap RV Living) for a couple of years and learned so much (vicariously) about the nomad lifestyle – which way expanded my consciousness, and confronted me w/ my stereotypes & judgements & own limited thinking by contrast! Many of these folks (based on the countless youtube videos) seem to be among the most free-thinking & creative segment of our society (of all ages), having chosen (or been forced by circumstance) to learn to be adaptive & release old limiting beliefs, perceptions, lifestyles & possessions! They certainly challenge mainstream presumptuous unconscious thinking & values and old outworn paradigms. (The movie may have a more Piscean bent, but the youtube channel-portrayed lifestyle and character is definitely Aquarian! Very inspiring! 🙂
Yes, definitely very Aquarian! I may have magnified the Piscean aspects of it because I wanted to write about it for the Pisces New Moon – ha! I have a tendency to do that. Blessings to you!
Beautifully written. Touched my heart. Thank you Simone you are as loving as ever xoxo
Thanks and blessings to you, dear Francesca!