In the miserably hot summer of 1963, when I turned eight, my next-door-neighbor Virginia took care of me while Mom was in the hospital, battling cancer. I adored Virginia, and spent as much time at her house as my own, hanging out and helping her with chores. That year, transiting Neptune was squaring my Midheaven – an angle associated with the mother. Thankfully Mom recovered, but the destabilizing Neptune effect wasn’t yet complete.
On the night of April 14, 1964, Virginia died suddenly of a brain aneurysm. Dad and I were watching TV when we heard a siren coming up the street. And somehow I knew that Virginia was dead. For several days, my parents maintained the fiction that Virginia was in the hospital. No doubt they were trying to protect me, but I knew the truth. And so I began to hide my inner knowing, and to blame God for taking her before I could say goodbye.
It seems I was destined to lose a mother figure during that Neptune transit. (Oddly, both my beloved Mom and Virginia were Virgo Suns with Aquarius Moons.) I’m grateful that I had Mom for many years to come, but Virginia’s death still haunts me – especially around her Sept. 17 birthday.
This year, Virginia’s birthday happens just prior to the watery, nostalgic Pisces Full Moon (Sept. 20, 4:54 p.m. PDT). At this lunation, the Moon joins Neptune, intensifying such Neptune-Pisces themes as death, loss, falsehood and illusion – as well as intuition, compassion and forgiveness. This Full Moon happens at 28 degrees, signifying that things are about to change. And, this awareness can trigger deep emotions. If you’re facing loss or feeling nostalgic for a person, a place or a time gone by, let yourself feel it and shed some tears. Bless each precious moment – past or present.
At Monday’s Full Moon, the Moon is in fluid, changeable Pisces. But the Sun is in take-care-of-business Virgo, trine powerful Pluto in Capricorn, helping us find a sense of grounding through taking care of ourselves and others. Also, this lunation happens just before the Equinox, a seasonal change that can bring significant shifts. This one ushers us into Libra, an air sign that emphasizes balance, relatedness and social justice. Be sure to tune in to whatever gift (perhaps a perceptual shift) it might be bringing you.
Now is a good time to recall, as spiritual teacher Pema Chodron reminds us in her brilliant book, When Things Fall Apart, that life is continually in a state of flux. “The truth,” she says, “is that things don’t really get solved. They come together and they fall apart. Then they come together again and fall apart again. It’s just like that. The healing comes from letting there be room for all of this to happen: room for grief, for relief, for misery, for joy.”
Not only will I light candles to Virginia on her birthday, but I’ll also spend the Full Moon with my sister Linda in Flagstaff, as she prepares to enter hospice. Who or what are you bidding goodbye to, or feeling nostalgic for? Life is impermanent, and only the memory of love remains. Allow things to fall apart, and find the healing that occurs when you make space for it.
May your sister’s journey to the other side be filled with peace and love. Holding you both with love at this liminal time.
Thank you so much, Kirsten!
Sending you love and peace as you enter this journey with your sister. Blessings and love to you both.
Thanks so much, Monica!
May your sister’s transition be easy, Simone. Will be sending you good energy.
Thanks so much, Diana!
May all the goodness that YOU put out into this world come back 10x, Simone! My prayers will remain vigilant for you and all. Please pray for me/us too as waves of grief-relief-misery-joy continue to be our destiny. Godspeed.
Dear Simone,
Sending you and your sister lots and lots of peaceful love ✨✨
I read only the first paragraph of your email then came here to read the rest. When I reached the third paragraph here where you wrote that your mother and Virginia were both Virgo Suns with Aquarius Moons, I burst into tears, not really knowing why but just allowing it. I think it was maybe about how lucky you were to have two important people in your life with very similar foundations, whom you loved and who loved you ❤️❤️❤️
That means so much to me, Alana! Mom and Virginia were indeed quite similar, and were also good friends. I was very lucky indeed. 🙂
So sorry to hear that, Judy! I’ll be praying for you as well. And I love your affirmation about the goodness coming back to me. Big hugs…
So sorry to hear about your sister’s battle. Sending much love to both you and your sister.
Thanks so much, Brenda!
my heart is with you , dear simone.. safe travels and wishing a graceful passage for your sister .sending love ..
Thanks dear Lorraine, these things are never easy, so I really appreciate the solidarity and love…
Thanks so much for all your heartfelt writings. My heart goes out to you and may your travels be safe and may you continue to be kind to your self as you go through this part of life’s passage.
Thanks, Naomi. I will endeavor to be kind to myself as well as to Linda, I appreciate the reminder. Much love…
My dear sister Simone, I’m sending so much love for your journey with your sister. You are in my heart. I’ve always loved Pema, and thank you for giving all of us her wisdom.
I am grateful for you,
Grateful for you too, my dear! And yes I’ve always loved Pema. It seems like her message was never more appropriate than it is now.
I feel for you my dear Simone. <3
Thank you Hillary!
Simone~Sending you and your sister soothing blessings of Love~Always Love!
Thanks Eloise!
Sending love and good energies to your family. Wishing your sister a peaceful transition.
Yes I am hoping for the same, Felicia. At least she’ll be in a good facility with access to morphine, etc. as needed. 🙂
Dear Simone.
Sending love and prayers to you and your sister.
Safe travels.
Penny Newton
Thanks so much, Penny!
This is painfully beautiful and so very helpful. Thank you for your wisdom. Nothing is forever but love. Thank you Simone.
Love. Lsura
dear simone, see how your intimate sharing brings us all to the surface. similar imminent endings with my own closest sister, joanne, an immensely brave capricorn. may you travel with all the love offered you here – sisters together. natural tears. thank you for the perfect pima quote.
So sorry you’re going through a similar situation, dear Constance. Thanks for the support, and I offer the same to you! Sisters together, whether by blood or in spirit…
I am sorry to read of your sister, and your memories of your loving neighbor. Th other mother. I am sending Loving energy for your sister’s journey and for your journey on assist her during her transition. Sending you a special loving hug with So much love ❤️
Thank you so much for that special hug, Francesca! So many blessings to you…
My heart goes out to you and your sister Simone. May Linda have a peaceful transition into spirit. When my mother passed, in a very short time I felt her hugging me, it was both unmistakable and comforting. I know one thing for sure that the bond of love with those we cherish in this life never dies. Life is eternal.
Yes indeed, Stella! How lovely that you felt your mother’s hug so shortly after her passing. Thank you for your good wishes for Linda. She’s in good hands, but it’s still never easy.
Dear Simone
I am so sorry to hear of your sister. May her journey be one of healing and gentle love.
I lost my mom recently in August 2021. She was 107 years old (that is not a typo!), her body wasn’t as spry but she was mentally sharp as a tack to the end. Since she was never really ill, I felt unprepared. I also didn’t get the chance to say goodbye. She passed the day before I was flying to see her. I am still processing that. It is such a loss. Instead of the warm motherly embrace I dreamed of enveloping myself in for nearly 18 months, I was preparing her funeral. Which was beautiful. I’m heartbroken. I’m allowing myself to feel all the feels and just letting it be. Which is new for me.
It’s wonderful that you are able to be present for your sister and yourself in this sacred time. Sending you both love + light & healing energy.
Namasté ~
Thank you so much, Marie-Francoise. How sad that you weren’t able to be with your mother before she passed! This Full Moon is a good time to mourn her loss. Many blessings to you…
Prayers of grace for you and your sister and family xoxox
and thank you so much for your wisdom and for the quote from Pema’s book. xoxo
You are so welcome, Leslie! And thanks so much for the prayers. 🙂
Dear Simone, It was this time of year, three years ago, when my own sister left this planet. Her life was a constant struggle with bipolar, with mood swings lurking around every corner. I do so miss her and her sweet violin music. I send you love and blessings at this time of change, for you as well as for all who are our fellow travelers on this our mother planet. May your sister’s transition be as peaceful as possible, and may you be filled with the memories you shared with her. Blessed be.
Thanks so much, Mary. I offer prayers for your sister as well. We shall honor them at this Full Moon…
Sending much love and infinite blessings of peace and harmony to you and your sister Simone. May your joy at being together shine through the sadness. Thank you for your lovely insights. Take care and drive safe.
Many thanks, Karen!
Holding you and your sister in love and light, Simone. Thank You for your insights throughout the years on navigating our worldly journeys. Sending you many blessings.
Thank you so much, Karen! So glad the essays have been helpful to you. :0
Well no wonder I’ve been dreaming of my family who has passed years ago, just about every night! I even had a dream (actually a visit) from my mom and dad both in the same dream at the same time. An oddity for me, as it is usually one or the other. My moon is in Pisces so I suppose the energy is extra strong for me now. It is always a mix of happy nostalgia for me, mixed with the missing of them, still after all these many years. However it is always nice to feel them near. My heart goes out to you and your sister Simone. How lovely that you will be there with her during this powerful transition. Blessings to you both. Much love, Karen
Yes that makes total sense, especially given your otherworldly Pisces Moon! Thanks for the blessings on my upcoming journey, it’s bound to be intense. Much love!
You are in my Heart Dear Simone. Holding the space and vision for a silky smooth passage for Linda. Surrounding you and her in a Love-filled Pink Bubble during this rich and intense time!
Thanks so much, dearest Salila! I expect this will be the first of several trips out there over the next couple of months, as things progress. But helping her leave her home is the first step, and I so appreciate your pink bubble during this time! We just found out that we will be able to bring her kitty to visit her in hospice, so that is a great blessing!
Very beautiful tribute. I read the replies above and am also sending you love and healing thoughts concerning your sister’s passing.
Thanks so much, Lisa! 🙂
Sending you and your sister so much loge and peace. Xxx, Lexlee
Thanks so much dear! Got home last night and she is safely tucked into her new home. We brought stuff from her house to decorate it and they even let me sage the room. Then I did another Reiki treatment on her before I left. Much love to you…
Sending love and light to you and your sister. Safe travels, stay safe
Thanks Dotty, I am safely home now and Linda is well taken care of. 🙂