Years ago, a friend and I drove to the remote desert east of Los Angeles to do a ritual. We hiked far out into the wilderness to set up camp and build a fire. The ritual was so powerful that we lost track of time. When we were finished it was dusk, and neither of us could remember the way back to the car. Just then, my body did something remarkable. It shifted into overdrive and set my feet running. It may have just been adrenaline, but I felt like a superpower had taken me over. Keen of mind and fleet of foot, I led the way back to the car just as darkness descended.

That day, I possessed a focused clarity unlike anything I’d experienced before. In hindsight, it was like driving up a mountain in a powerful SUV. As the road grows steeper and those extra cylinders kick in, suddenly you’re cruising effortlessly upward, leaving other vehicles in the dust. You didn’t need that extra power when the road was flat, but it sure is nice to have when you need it!

We all have hidden powers, to help us when the road gets challenging or a meaningful goal needs to be reached. These abilities reside within us, just waiting to be tapped at the right moment.

That moment could be now, as we cruise into the Virgo New Moon (August 27, 1:16 a.m. PDT). Virgo is a careful and conscientious earth sign, not usually prone to fast moves. But this lunation (at 4 degrees Virgo) is squared by willful Mars in Gemini at the same degree – which brings an extra dose of energy to the table (has anybody else been pulling out furniture to vacuum up years of dust and cat hair? Or dashing from one health-related appointment to the next?).

As we know, Virgo loves cleanliness, work, service and health. So this is a great New Moon under which to launch a project or a clean-up campaign, start new employment or commit to a health regimen. The square from Mars (which entered busy Gemini on Aug. 20, where it remains for the next seven months due to its impending retrograde from late Oct. to mid-Jan.), gives us a nice swift kick to start things off –but we’ll still need plenty of time to work out the details.

Virgo tends to be cautious and detail-oriented, while Gemini often throws caution to the wind when enticing distractions beckon. So our task at this New Moon is to tackle things that are both satisfying and stimulating; which engage our mental skills and hold our interest, but also require bold action. It’s a good time to streamline your activities, bringing that focused clarity to whatever you’re doing.

Thanks to the square from Mars, there may be some irritation or disagreement with others. That’s where Mercury (ruler of both Gemini and Virgo) comes in. The winged messenger enters diplomatic Libra on Aug. 25, remaining there through October (with a brief detour back into Virgo in late Sept-early Oct.). This gives us plenty of time to negotiate deals, reassess commitments or arrive at compromises. So go ahead and start new things, as long as you’re prepared to be patient through any twists and turns during the retrograde Mercury (Sept. 9 – 25). Have faith during this time; extraordinary results can be achieved if you persevere. For some, however, full resolution may not happen till Mars turns direct in mid-January.

In the meantime, don’t forget about those extra cylinders. They are there to help you navigate the inevitable bumps in the road. Even if all is going smoothly, remember that you have a hidden power that’s there for you at all times. Spirit lives within you, and it’s ready to kick into overdrive when needed. Allow the power to take you over and help you ascend the mountaintop (or at least find the way back to the car!). If you’re feeling uninspired, you may need a practical but worthy vision. With Virgo, it can be as humble as planting some root vegetables, clearing out that overstuffed closet or getting your vehicle fixed so you’re ready for a road trip. Being able to fire on all cylinders might be easier than you think!

6 thoughts on “Virgo New Moon: Firing on All Cylinders

  • August 23, 2022 at 6:47 pm

    SPOT ON!! I had been ignoring the call of my overstuffed closet. Not just the one in my bedroom, but one thing leading to another…I now have tidy closets throughout the house and discovered a number of things I thought lost! I love these unexpected spurts of energy!
    Warmest regards,

    • August 23, 2022 at 8:24 pm

      Funny how we manage to ignore stuff like that, until suddenly we’re catapulted into action! Glad you’re feeling the helpful Virgo vibes…

  • August 27, 2022 at 5:25 pm

    This is so great, Simone! I’m clearing out my art studio to make way for the artist & witch I’m becoming, so perfect timing. If you don’t hear from me, I may be trapped under a mountain of craft supplies

    • August 27, 2022 at 6:20 pm

      Omigosh…you’re already such a powerful artist and witch that I can’t wait to see the next iteration! Good luck with the Virgo cleansing-and-reworking process – and I’ll send out the rescue squad if necessary!

      • September 12, 2022 at 4:21 am

        Thank you so much!!!❤️❤️❤️
        I really needed this reminder about what was happening in the universe right now. I can’t thank you enough sweetie xoxoxo, Shauna Decker

        • September 12, 2022 at 8:43 pm

          You are so welcome, Shauna dear! Hope all is well in your world…


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