Wealth Gua Makeover for the Scorpio New Moon
Knowledge Gua Makeover for the Sagittarius New Moon
Fame Gua Makeover for the Capricorn New Moon
Helpful People Makeover for the Aquarius New Moon
Health Gua Makeover for the Pisces New Moon
Capricorn New Moon: Resolution Redux
Batten down the hatches: 2017 is almost here. Especially for those of us in the U.S., the next four years are apt to be uncertain as the new administration finds its footing and attempts to dismantle much of what was accomplished during the last eight years.…
Gemini Full Moon: A Blast From the Past
The annual Geminid meteor shower is nearly upon us, and fireballs are already flying as early-arriving meteoroids from the constellation of Gemini hit the Earth’s atmosphere. This year, the cosmic show peaks at the Gemini Full Moon (Tues.…
Sagittarius New Moon: Taking the High Road
“Things do not change; we change.” –Henry David Thoreau
Grandpa Hewes was a true Sagittarian. Born at the turn of the last century, Mom’s father was a free-wheeling blacksmith-turned-postmaster who regaled us with songs on his banjo – and told dubious tales that he swore were true.…
Taurus Full Moon: Hidden Treasure
I was shocked when astrologer Barry Goddard blogged just before the election that in his opinion, Trump would win. Yet he went on to say that a Trump presidency might not be as bad as anticipated.…
Scorpio New Moon: Time to Regenerate
After making a big change in your life, no matter how longed-for, it’s common to suffer regrets. Wincing as the first payment comes due on that shiny new car you love so much, you wonder, “What was I thinking?”…
Aries Full Moon: Reclaiming the P Word
When Donald Trump’s salacious remarks in a 2005 interview recently hit the airwaves, our culture got a wake-up call. Sensitive folks recoiled in disgust as the presidential hopeful gleefully confided that his wealth and power give him the ability to do anything he wants to women, including “grab them by the pu**y.”…
Libra New Moon: A Toast to Love
Most astrologers associate Jupiter with good things. When this expansive planet triggers your money sector, you can expect more financial flow. When it enters your romance sector, get ready to fall in love.…
Pisces Full Moon: Feed Your Demons
In the frigid Arctic lands, survival depends on the bounty of the sea. Inuit hunters worship a capricious sea goddess they call Sedna. Also known as “Big Bad Woman,” this goddess sometimes favors them with fish to eat and other times withholds it.…
Virgo New Moon: God is in the Details
Some years ago, shortly after my mother’s death, I lost my wallet. I’d been running around, preparing for a trip to Greece. When I realized the wallet was gone, I called every place I’d been, imagining the worst.…