“I’m not the next Usain Bolt or Michael Phelps,” declared 19-year-old Simone Biles last week, shortly after winning gold in the women’s all-around finals. “I’m the first Simone Biles.” The record-breaking gymnast wasn’t bragging; she was merely stating the obvious – and thereby countering all the sexist commentary that’s been rattling around the Olympics.…
Leo New Moon: Creative Solutions
Three-month-old Max is as cute as a button, but he’s a handful. My newly acquired kitten scrambles across my head at night, screams like a banshee when denied full run of the house, and screws up my computer settings by sitting on the keyboard.…
Capricorn Full Moon: Dance it Out!
After Thursday’s tragic incident in Nice, it would be easy to fall into despair – yet again – over the state of the world. Instead of hand-wringing over what I cannot control, however, I’ve decided to say prayers for the victims and try to enjoy my summer anyway.…
Cancer New Moon: Listen to Your Fairy Godmother!
According to a recent study, there are now more obese than underweight people in the world. Thirty years ago, it was just the reverse. We can blame this on fast-food living, sedentary lifestyles or the fat-free craze, but the truth is that many of us use food as a substitute for something we’re not getting – like affection, approval or relaxation.…
Sagittarius Full Moon: Ring the Bell
The birds they sang
at the break of day
‘Start again’
I heard them say
Don’t dwell on what
has passed away
or what is yet to be.
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.…
Gemini New Moon: Star-Crossed Love
Sagittarius Full Moon: Up, Up and Away!
Taurus New Moon: Slow and Steady Wins
Scorpio Full Moon: The Shaman’s Path
It all started with a bee-sting – actually, two in one week! The bees were clearly trying to get Mikalia Ulmer’s attention. Terror was the 11-year-old’s initial response. But once she learned how bee populations are dying from colony collapse disorder, Mikalia got the point.…
A Magic Carpet Ride at the Aries New Moon
Recently I bought a magic carpet, covered in beautiful mandala-like designs. My cat Nora thinks it’s magical too – she likes to sit at the very center and survey her domain.…
Full Moon Eclipse: Super Bloom!
Pisces New Moon: The Power of No
Virgo Full Moon: A Spark of Inspiration
Award-winning photographer Alice Smeets has an uncanny connection to Haiti. Her latest project, Ghetto Tarot, transforms familiar Tarot images into bold, earthy scenes shot on location in that beleaguered but beautiful land.…
Aquarius New Moon: Time for a Little Monkey Business!
Consummate Trickster Groucho Marx once noted, “Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read.” And how about this one, which he uttered as he left a dinner party: “I’ve had a perfectly wonderful evening.…
Leo Full Moon: Show Us What You’ve Got!
He was weird and wonderful – a unique hybrid of showman and alien. When David Bowie passed, just two days after his January 8 birthday, I ran to look up his chart.…