It’s been an unusually bleak time lately, between bomb threats, hate-motivated shootings and pre-election political rancor. The Sun and Mercury are dredging the depths of Scorpio, while Jupiter transits the final degrees of that dark, inscrutable sign, spotlighting life-or-death struggles – and the power to overcome them.…
Scorpio New Moon: Rising From the Ashes
For two years, Wayne Winters and his wife had been hoping for a kidney donor to save her from stage five kidney failure. But Winters was tired of waiting. So with passion in his heart and resolve in his 74-year-old bones, he took to the streets of Farr West, Utah last month with a sandwich board sign reading: “Need Kidney 4 Wife”.…
Scorpio New Moon: Time to Regenerate
After making a big change in your life, no matter how longed-for, it’s common to suffer regrets. Wincing as the first payment comes due on that shiny new car you love so much, you wonder, “What was I thinking?”…
Sex and Money? Bring ’em on!
At first glance, this young Eve in the garden might seem offensive – even pornographic. Or at least anti-wealth. Granted, we may not want to be selling our bodies for money.…