During the Civil War, brothers fought against brothers over the right to keep human beings as property. Decades of controversy were brought to a head when Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 presidential election, triggering seven Southern slave states to secede from the U.S. The war began on April 12, 1861, as the Confederacy bombarded Fort Sumter in South Carolina. A wave of enthusiasm for warfare swept the nation, and military recruitment soared. Four years of bloody combat ensued.

At the start of the Civil War, transiting Uranus, planet of disruption and change, was conjunct the U.S. Uranus in Gemini. And by next July, Uranus will again enter the restless sign of Gemini, on its way to another Uranus return in 2026-28. Does this mean we’re headed toward another civil war? Not necessarily. Hopefully this time, we can find common ground and avoid coming to blows. And instead experience the higher side of Uranus – awakening, independence and progress.

Now we’re approaching a Taurus Full Moon (Nov. 15, 1:28 p.m. PT) with a revolutionary spark to it. This earthy Full Moon can bring comfort, stability and grounding. But there is a nervous element to it that reflects the shock which many are feeling since the election. That’s because the Moon closely conjuncts awakener-destabilizer Uranus at 24-25 degrees of the stubborn sign of the bull. There could be shake-ups or unexpected developments. It’s happening in the sign of Mother Nature, so there might be more climate events. Or, we could see abrupt changes with those in power, since it conjoins the fixed star Algol, associated in ancient times with tyrants losing their heads. Also, this powerful lunation squares the independent, freedom-loving U.S. Moon at 27 Aquarius, stirring up the populace. It can wake us out of a trance and prompt us to act or bring insights that lead to greater autonomy.

The first Full Moon after Samhain was known to the Celts as the Mourning Moon. It was a time to reflect on all that was lost; to honor our grief and then release it so that it ceases to consume us. That’s the Scorpio end of the spectrum. But it’s also about caretaking the Earth and communing with all of creation, a process that Taurus facilitates. Now we’re seeking a balance between honoring the great mystery (Sun in Scorpio) and awakening to our instinctive body knowing (Moon-Uranus in Taurus).  

That sounds wonderful, but what if you’re overwhelmed by all that’s happening now on the planet, and are struggling to figure out what (if anything) to do about it? In answer to that, I offer you the wise words of Lutheran minister Nadia Bolz-Weber from an essay she wrote during the pandemic:

“Friends, I just do not think our psyches were developed to hold, feel and respond to everything coming at us from across the entire planet, every minute of every day.  The human heart and spirit were developed to be able to hold, feel and respond to any tragedy, injustice, sorrow or natural disaster that was happening IN OUR VILLAGE. And yet, when I check social media, it feels like there are voices saying, “if you aren’t talking about, doing something about, or performatively posting about (fill in the blank) then you are an irredeemably callous, privileged bigot who IS PART OF THE PROBLEM.”

So, I am left wondering: Am I doing enough, sacrificing enough, giving enough, saying enough about all the horrible things to think of myself as a good person? No, I am not. Nor could I. And yet doing nothing is hardly the answer.

So, every day I ask myself:

What’s MINE to do, and what’s NOT mine to do?
What’s MINE to say and what’s NOT mine to say?

And the third one is harder: What’s MINE to care about and what’s NOT mine to care about?”

These profound Taurean questions are essential to ask ourselves right now, ongoingly, so we can gain some clarity. Get your feet on the ground, go for a walk in nature or lie down and breathe deeply. Once you’re fully in your body, a game plan may emerge. Have faith and join with like-minded others – no matter what craziness may be afoot, or what challenges may lie ahead, we can pool our talents and make magic happen. Here’s to a motivating and insightful Full Moon for us all!