Happy Beltane! We may not run wild in the fields anymore to celebrate this ancient fertility festival, but the call to connect with nature is stronger than ever before. Jon Stewart certainly heard it. As he prepares to end his 16-year run as host of “The Daily Show,” Stewart is not kicking back to play golf. Instead, he and his wife Tracey bought a farm in New Jersey that will soon provide a new home for rescued farm animals.

Stewart, whose household already includes four dogs, two horses, two pigs, three rabbits, two guinea pigs, two hamsters, one parrot and two fish, is passionate about the cause of animal rights. He once devoted an 8-minute comedy segment to the absurdity of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s refusal to sign a bill that would end the lifelong confinement of pigs in crates so small they can’t even turn around. And, the couple’s decision to devote their new property to rescued animals was inspired by their involvement with Farm Sanctuary, a group that not only rescues farm animals but also works to create laws that protect them. In gratitude for Jon and Tracey’s support, the group recently named a pair of rescued sheep in the couple’s honor.

On this Beltane (May 1) the call from nature is particularly strong, as we approach an intense Scorpio Full Moon (May 3, 8:42 p.m. PDT). The sexy, emotionally volatile Scorpio Moon opposing the sensual Sun in Taurus can make for a wild weekend – especially as Jupiter squares both Sun and Moon, magnifying things to the max. Mercury opposing Saturn at the Full Moon will either restrain us from the worst excesses – or generate such frustration that we have a melt-down or do something rash.

To avoid such a fate, channel the energies wisely. Visit some sheep (better yet, adopt one!). Make art. Make love. Work in your garden. Have a good cry. Commit to making a long-needed shift in your life. Invoke the fertility gods – Pan, Flora, Dionysus, Freya – to help you tap into your true nature. You never know what you might find!

For more on the cosmic outlook for May, check out my latest venture – featuring the talented intuitive Anna Francesca Celestino and I sharing our unique viewpoints in a short, fun video. Just click on the image below!

cosmic download

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