On April 15 2019, a horrific fire broke out in the roof area of the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris. When the spire collapsed, it created a draft that slammed all the doors and propelled a fireball through the attic. Shortly before the spire fell, the fire had spread to the wooden framework inside the north tower, which supported eight very large bells. Had these bells fallen, they could easily have collapsed the entire cathedral. But brave fire-fighters ensured that did not occur. Neither the bells nor the belfry was destroyed in the fire, but both were damaged and needed a great deal of restoration.
On December 8 at the Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception, from the northern belfry of Notre Dame on the Île de la Cité, the tolling of bells will once again be heard throughout the city. Prior to the Cathedral’s reopening, these bells had a trial run. Alexandre Gougeon, who managed the installation, confessed to CNN that hearing them again was very moving. The entire restoration was the culmination of much patient effort over five years, as 2000 people worked to meet the deadline. But it was worth it. Reportedly, the Cathedral is even more beautiful now than it was 850 years ago, when it debuted.
Some things are worth fighting for. Whether it’s the restoration of a beloved cathedral or the protection of a democracy, we must do what we can to support what matters most. But first we have to determine what has meaning for us, then have faith that our goal can be accomplished.
Faith and hope are major themes of the upcoming Sagittarius New Moon (Nov. 30, 10:21 p.m. PT). As the Moon joins the Sun in this passionate fire sign, we are encouraged to search our hearts for what we believe in and what is worth sacrificing for. In an increasingly fractured and polarized society, we need to reach deep inside to find what gives our lives meaning.
This lunation squares Saturn in Pisces, another sign associated with faith and belief, lending a serious note to holiday celebrations. Making a hard decision or slowing down and doing less may be necessary. Saturn supports taking time to be thankful for those who came before, and all they sacrificed. Also, retrograde Mercury in Sagittarius opposes retrograde Jupiter in Gemini, taking us on a jaunt down memory lane to recall places and people who are no longer with us – but made a big impression when they were. Pay attention to any dreams and recollections, or perhaps an insistent inner voice.
Retrograde Mercury, which began on Nov. 25, may not be the best time to launch new things or make big decisions (unless you were born with that placement). However, it can be a good period in which to do research, search your memory bank, and revisit that which once held meaning for you. Mercury turns direct Dec. 15 and continues moving slowly through most of December, confirming that the holidays will be filled with nostalgia, memories and flashes from the past – but may also prove somewhat frustrating.
Mixing things up even further, Mars – also associated with movement and action – will be retrograde from Dec. 6 thru the end of February. Mars retrograde in Leo and Cancer is a time to care for your tender feelings, but to not let your ego get the best of you. Watch how you deal with anger and avoid getting into skirmishes with others. Steer clear of heated discussions with family members, as there’s not a lot of rationality on tap right now. Avoid over-committing to events and give yourself space to breathe. Take care traveling, especially if it involves airports, and plan ahead for delays.
On Dec. 21 the Sun will enter hard-working Capricorn to launch a new season, helping to ground us. In the meantime, cultivate gratitude and search your heart for what’s most meaningful to you – perhaps something you left behind and feel moved to reclaim. In this crazy world, we all need something to believe in – people, places or belief systems which give us faith that the bells will ring out once again.
Dear Simone, Thank you for your wise and generous offerings.
This news of the restored Notre Dame is deeply moving. My wish is that
the word fighting be exchanged for striving or something like that.
There’s a huge billboard on I-10 asking us to “Fight to end Child Abuse”
and it just doesn’t sound right, lol! We know what they mean, but.
May you stay sane, safe, inspired through all of this, ever loving your
beautiful self.
So glad you enjoyed the essay, Constance! It seemed an appropriate theme for this moment in history. Holiday blessings to you…
Wonderful insights. Thank you for them and all the analysis. I’m feeling very positive these days but riding out the trauma and wincing if becomes hateful. But all-om-all, looking forward to different …
Yes, it’s a day by day process, isn’t it? Many blessings to you!
Greetings, Simone! Your essay helps me articulate being propelled to reach deeper, to scrutinize faith/beliefs, to endure delays, frustrations, and sometimes anger while we as a collective can nonviolently stand up for Massively Transformative Purposes (Peter Diamandis). So thankful for Divine Providence delivering inspiration to all. Choices, consequences. Ages unto ages… etc.
Here’s to inspiration for all! Happy Sag New Moon, Judy dear…