Susan Chernak McElroy was desperately seeking a miracle in her struggle against advanced cancer. In her deeply moving book, Animals as Teachers and Healers, the author recounts her experience being part of a support group in which 24 cancer patients danced, meditated, painted and chanted for a healing vision.
“We cried and wailed together and recorded our dreams,” she recalls. “Then late one winter afternoon after weeks of this effort, Gaia walked across my mind’s eye in all her magnificence.” An enormous gray wolf with brilliant yellow eyes, a huge, bushy tail and a hawk’s feather earring, Gaia – and her pack of spirit wolves – soon became McElroy’s protectors.
The gray wolf is a survivor. Highly intelligent, affectionate and monogamous creatures, they are fierce, marathon hunters who will sacrifice themselves for the sake of the pack. In one session, participants were encouraged to embody their totems, and the ferociousness that rose up from McElroy shocked both herself and others. But it was exactly the medicine she most needed to claim and express.
This newfound power translated into her dealings with doctors at a large medical university, where interns were about to examine and probe her with intrusive instruments. Rather than submitting passively, as she would have in the past, McElroy visualized Gaia and her pack entering the exam room and surrounding her. “Power surged up through my wobbly knees,” she recalled. “And in that moment, the day became totally mine. I was no longer the patient cowering; I was the queen receiving my visitors. I accepted no medical diminishment, no depersonalizing. I asked questions, challenged experts, made my own emphatic choices and never felt stronger in my life. When I left the facility late that afternoon, it was with my soul intact and my wolves romping alongside me.”
The author made a full recovery from her illness and went on to write a series of luminous books centered on her strong belief in the power of animals and wild nature to heal the human soul. She also became a fierce champion for her feared, maligned and nearly exterminated totem, the magnificent wolf.
At the upcoming Capricorn New Moon (Dec. 30, 2:27 p.m. PT), we all have an opportunity to reclaim our power by getting grounded and creating a solid inner container to hold reserves of strength. Capricorn is an earth sign associated with endurance, patience, and a deep love for the land. Though not usually connected to the wolf, this smart, social creature is an excellent totem for the sign. The wise feminine energy of Capricorn has long been associated with stability and social structures like the wolf’s. It’s only in recent years that it has become connected with more “masculine” pursuits like business and commerce.
This New Moon is ruled by earthy Saturn in watery Pisces, and Saturn sextiles the Sun and Moon. It therefore blends emotional and physical energies. This helps us to visualize an inner vessel like a thick ceramic bowl which can contain and nourish our emotions and help us stay grounded. This is what happens when you get out of your mind and focus on your lower belly, where your true power resides.
There is a serious tone to this lunation, as it coincides with a time in which many will be setting goals for the New Year. If you’re inspired to do so, by all means go for it. But if you’re still not sure what’s next for you, just stay flexible, hold off on major new beginnings, and finish up what’s left undone from 2024.
Action-loving Mars, retrograde since Dec. 6 (turning direct on Feb. 23), isn’t fond of cooling his jets. On Jan. 2, feeling feisty, he faces off for the second time with powerful Pluto. (The first happened on Nov. 3, just before Election Day, when Mars was still in cranky Cancer and Pluto in traditional Capricorn.) But this time Mars will be in fiery Leo with Pluto in freedom-seeking Aquarius. Pluto hasn’t been in Aquarius since the American Revolution, so this opposition could trigger battles, whether internal or external. Since it happens so close to New Year’s, this configuration is a signature for 2025. Mars will retrograde back into Cancer (home, family, patriotism) from Jan. 6 to April 17, where the warrior planet isn’t at his best. The final Mars-Pluto opposition is on April 26th after Mars is direct, back in Leo, and past his retrograde shadow. After that, we should see some forward momentum and know where things stand.
This will be a year of dynamic transformation, with all the outer planets moving into new signs (more on that in future essays) bringing the potential for significant personal and collective growth. Meanwhile, at this earthy Capricorn New Moon, we can reclaim our power and create safety nets if needed to protect what’s most dear to us. We can also invoke for a healing vision, as Susan Chernak McElroy did, and ask our totem animal to guide the way. Read her books for inspiration – just be sure to have a box of tissues handy, as these powerful stories are bound to bring up emotions that help galvanize your deepest self.
Thanks for a good post today.
Happy new Year to you.
Same to you, Jan! Glad you enjoyed the post.
incredible as usual!!! thanks sooooo muck!!! Mystical Joe.
Thanks, Joe!
“Nothing Real can be threatened nothing Unreal exists therein lies The Peace of God”.
A course in Miracles.
May we know it and align with it!!
Blessings to all.
So mote it be, Olga!
What a great post! Happy New Year & here’s to calling as much live & enchantment as we can into 2025.
From your lips to Her ears, Ramona dear! Looking forward to tea time in the new year…