Some years ago, writer Elizabeth Gilbert was stuck on a crosstown bus in New York City during rush hour. As she recalled, “The bus was filled with cold, tired people who were deeply irritated – with one another, with the rainy, sleety weather, with the world itself. Two men barked at each other about a shove that might or might not have been intentional. A pregnant woman got on, and nobody bothered to offer her a seat. Rage was in the air; no mercy would be found here that day.”
Then the bus driver got on the intercom. “Folks,” he said, “I know you’ve had a rough day and you’re frustrated. I can’t do anything about the weather or the traffic, but here is what I can do. As each of you gets off the bus, I will reach out my hand to you. As you walk by, drop your troubles into the palm of my hand, OK? Don’t take your troubles home to your families tonight. My route goes right by the Hudson River and when I drive by there later, I’ll open the window and throw all your troubles in the water.”
It was as if a spell had lifted, said Gilbert. People looked at each other with surprised delight, laughing. And at the next stop, all those exiting put their hands just above the bus driver’s outstretched palm and mimed the gesture of dropping something into it. This happened at each stop, all the way to the Hudson.
This bus driver taught Gilbert something important – that anyone can be the light, at any moment. “This guy wasn’t some big power player,” she wrote. “He wasn’t a spiritual leader. He was a bus driver – one of society’s most invisible workers. But he possessed real power, and he used it beautifully for our benefit. So, when life feels especially grim, or I’m feeling powerless in the face of the world’s troubles, I think of this bus driver and ask myself, What can I do, right now, to be the light?”
At the Leo Full Moon (Feb. 12, 5:53 am PT) we all have a chance to become the light. We can rise into our power, expose things as they truly are, and help catalyze needed change. As the action-oriented, dramatic Leo Moon opposes the Sun and Mercury in community-oriented Aquarius, they’re all squared by game-changing Uranus in Taurus. Quick thinking may be necessary, as surprising news is apt to be revealed, for good or ill – perhaps involving tech and/or financial issues. But it’s also a fine time to express your true self in creative or even outrageous ways.
Since Aquarius, sign of the “common folk,” is prominent at this lunation, everyday people could take the spotlight (as could tech billionaires, also paradoxically ruled by Aquarius). Also, Venus just moved into fiery Aries, where she’ll hang out for four months due to her impending retrograde. During this period eight years ago at the same transit, protesters wearing pussy hats were marching in the streets. Venus in the sign of her “exile” (where she wants to fight back) should again put the focus on women’s and LGBTQ+ rights, with concerned folks passionately working for justice, especially here in the U.S.
The potentially heart-opening Leo Full Moon falls just before Valentine’s Day, and it occurs just a few days after a rare conjunction of Neptune to the North Node in Pisces. The North Node has been called a “hungry ghost.” In Pisces and with Neptune, it’s ravenous for depth, feeling, compassion and spiritual connection. Rather than flowers or a box of chocolates, try offering that to your beloved at this holiday.
Whatever may be happening this month, follow your heart and shine your light. As Liz Gilbert reminds us, “There are times when everything seems cloaked in utter darkness. You long for the light but don’t know where to find it. But what if you are the very agent of illumination that a dark situation begs for? No matter who you are, or where you are, or how mundane or tough your situation may seem, you can illuminate your world. In fact, I believe this is the only way the world will ever be illuminated – one simple, bright act of grace at a time, all the way to the river.”
What a beautiful story and example of how one person can make a difference. We can all be a light for someone.
Yes, exactly! So glad you liked the story. Happy Full Moon…
Lovely post Simone – happy Leo full moon 🙂
Same to you, Karen!
I hope you know that by sharing that story, you have shared some light with us Simon.
They keep telling us our souls decided to be here at this time, and we all have a role to play in it, so I keep telling myself when I come across a beautiful story like this, it reminds me to hold hope and send out positive thoughts for this world.
Thank You Simon.
I was definitely trying to inspire us all to shine some light, Veronica – so glad you got the message! Have a wonderful, light-filled Full Moon.
So good. Thank you.
You’re so welcome, Suzanne!
A woman at an Ashram near me was known to say “ the Light always triumphs over darkness”
And I add, we are the Light and there are so very many of us. That is a beautiful inspiring story you wrote , Simone. Simple creative acts that bless our lives and the lives of others
Thank you for sharing , Many blessings to you in this month of Love
Thanks for writing, Donna! So glad the essay was inspiring for you. Many blessings and much love to you as well…
Thank you for sharing this beautiful story and your wisdom… It was heart opening and inspiring for me in this moment!
So glad to hear that it resonated with you, Ariel! Thanks for letting me know. Have a blessed Full Moon…
mission accomplished Simone – a beautiful story and wonderful reminder that each of us has the opportunity to be the light or bring the light or shine the light right where we are in that moment. Thank you!