“A true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life.” –Elizabeth Gilbert
Every year when the Sun moves through Libra, I get a lot of calls from folks determined to find their soulmate. Some have been single for ages, while others long to be swept away by love – but can’t face disentangling themselves from marriages that have grown stale. We all hope to see our glory reflected in that special person’s eyes, to be told how much we’re loved and valued. Yet many of us aren’t loving ourselves very much. We work way too hard, pay little attention to the simple pleasures that make life worth living, and try to do everything alone.
No wonder we’re so unhappy! In our culture that celebrates the power of the individual, we’ve been brainwashed into believing that we’re weak or inept if we can’t master our lives by ourselves. So we struggle along, not asking for help, secretly hoping to be rescued by love. Women, in particular, are relational beings who need support from other women to come into the fullness of our power.
Since I joined Hera Hub, a collective workspace for women where we collaborate and share our talents, I’ve been inspired to forge new connections. One of these is my new “study buddy” Christine. Both of us had recently taken Jean Houston’s mind-expanding e-course, Awakening to Your Life Purpose, and now we’re meeting weekly to review the lessons. The first evening we shared our greatest desires and stumbling blocks, and are supporting each other in staying on track by texting at the end of each day.
There is something so motivating about being held accountable. Christine and I are mirroring each other’s potential as we strive to behave in ways that are consistent with what we’re committed to creating. Right now we’re focused on finding, as Jean calls it, “intimations of joy” throughout each day and writing them down in a Joy Journal at night. This is similar to a gratitude practice. It trains the brain to look for things to appreciate – from cooler weather to a stranger’s smile to a wonderful client session. Even on melancholy or difficult days, the very process of searching for hints of joy uplifts my spirits.
The sign of Libra teaches us that the entire world is a mirror, reflecting us back to ourselves. At the upcoming Libra New Moon (Monday Oct. 12, 5:06 p.m. PDT), awakener Uranus in action-packed Aries opposes the Sun and Moon in relational Libra. It’s time to move forward with ties and projects that spark your potential – especially since Mercury will be out of retrograde by Oct. 9. On the other hand, you may feel like kicking someone to the curb. Maybe it’s time…but before you do anything rash, consider that your angry boss or unaffectionate husband may simply be mirroring the inner frustration or lack of self-love you need to face.
There’s a beautiful trine from Jupiter in Virgo to Pluto in Capricorn this month, culminating with Venus and Mars uniting in earthy Virgo at month’s end. The stage is set for manifestation! Ready for your soulmate? It could happen. Launching a new aspect of your business into the world? You couldn’t find a better time.
If you need help feeling the love, check out this New Moon ritual from my book, Astro Feng Shui: Making Magic in Your Home and Life. And, watch my astounding makeover of one woman’s bedroom at the bottom of that page.