The great psychologist Carl Jung once noted, “The highest, most decisive experience is to be alone with one’s own self. You must be alone to find out what supports you.” Jung’s Leo Sun was conjunct independent Uranus – going his own way came naturally to him. But what about you? Are you comfortable being alone, enjoying your own company, calling the shots – or do you busy yourself with others’ needs, perhaps looking to them for support and validation or hesitating to strike out on your own?
This Thursday’s Full Moon (Oct. 5, 11:40 a.m. PDT) pits the me-first Aries Moon against the you-first Libra Sun. This Full Moon is driven by energy and passion – especially since it falls just after the final opposition of Jupiter in Libra and Uranus in Aries. Freedom and revolution are in the air, and we’re ready for change – personally and collectively. Fiery Aries is impatient, though – and can be hot-headed, especially when the Sun and Moon square potent Pluto as they do at this Full Moon. If you’ve been stuffing your feelings or neglecting self-care, this energy could trigger an explosion. If, on the other hand you’ve been too self-focused, the Sun and Jupiter in Libra may call you out of yourself to attend to others’ needs. Either way, you’re asked to create more balance in your life.
There’s a wonderful, group-oriented Aries Moon “Give and Take” ritual in my book, Moon Power: Lunar Rituals for Connecting with Your Inner Goddess (available on Kindle). But since many of my readers like to do things solo, I’ll also offer you something short, punchy and effective that you can perform in private. Since the Full Moon happens during the day on Thursday, you might do the following ritual on Wednesday night.
Pluto’s square to this Full Moon asks that you reclaim your power and withdraw your projections. Projections are a concept from Jung’s shadow work. He held that if you’ve suppressed or demonized a part of yourself, you’re likely to attract that energy in others. So for this ritual, I’d like you to focus on a person you can’t stand or who terrifies you. This can be someone in your private life, past or present, or in the public eye. If you have a picture of this person, put it up next to a red candle in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed, perhaps at your altar. Sit in front of it and light the candle. Call on the guides or deities you work with. Invoke Hippolyta, Queen on the Amazons, for courage.
What you’re about to do next may seem counter-intuitive, but it can bring great healing. The Buddhists swear by this practice of Tonglen breathing. As you focus on the picture or imagine the person in your mind, receive his or her energy as you breathe in. Pull the breath slowly into your belly and heart, offering no resistance. Then as you slowly exhale, give forth peace and compassion. Continue this for ten minutes or so, or until you’re clear and calm. When you feel complete, thank your guides and ask Hippolyta for a blessing on yourself and the other person. Put out the candle. You can repeat this ritual as needed; over time it’s capable of transforming even the deepest hatred, fear and resentment and giving you access to your innate strength, courage and compassion.
Happy Full Moon!
Thank you for writing this! You have given a very powerful tool.
You are so welcome, Erica!
That is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing <3
So glad you appreciated it, Lori!
Beautiful indeed. Thank you Simone! Much Lovexooxox
Big hugs to you, Francesca!
I wonder if this might work for someone that you haven’t met yet? I have an excitement to meet my soulmate, but there’s a lot of fear there, too.
Give it a try, Stephanie! And let me know if it works – I’ll try it too! lol