I have always been a big fan of Liz Gilbert’s. Though I’ve yet to read her latest work, City of Girls, I’ve devoured everything else she has written, from Eat Pray Love to Big Magic. Maybe it’s because we’re both Cancerians, but I resonate strongly with the deeply feminine themes she so beautifully puts into words. So I took notice recently when she posted a message on Instagram, calling on people of conscience to help rectify the situation at the U.S./Mexico border where 13,100 children are being imprisoned in horrific conditions, by helping to fund legal action at togetherrising.org.
After receiving $1 million toward their goal in the first day of fundraising, Gilbert said, “Thank you. We need every single one of you. Join the thousands of us who refuse to stand by as this crime against humanity is committed before our eyes. You are not only helping these desperate and imprisoned children, you are helping America save her own soul.”
Knowing that her planets must be getting triggered, I pulled up Gilbert’s chart and saw that warrior Mars was conjunct her Sun at 25 Cancer at her first post. And, the July 2 total solar eclipse in Cancer is about to sextile her earthy, practical Saturn in Taurus and Moon in Virgo. This will be followed by the July 16 Capricorn lunar eclipse, which happens two days prior to her birthday, and closely catalyzes her Cancer Sun and Mercury. She is doing what her chart compels her to do at this time – speaking out about a cause she deeply believes in, and using her influence to create practical change.
The Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse (July 2, 12:16 p.m. PDT) brings matters related to home, family, parenting and nurturing into high relief. Changes on the home front or with family members will be happening for many of us. As the feminine Moon obscures the masculine Sun, our emotional needs loom large. The Moon is near the North Node in Cancer, opposing Saturn and the South Node in Capricorn. This pits the Great Mother’s call for deeper nurturing against old systems (within and without) that work against it. Those of us who care can make ourselves heard now.
By the upcoming solar eclipse, communicator Mercury will have entered its storm phase, that intense and often turbulent period the week before it turns retrograde (on July 7). It’s likely you’re already feeling the undertow, as people or issues from the past show up, or dealing with communication snafus as Mercury starts to slow its pace. During the time that the Winged Messenger stations retrograde in early Leo and moves back into Cancer before turning direct at month’s end, you might ask yourself: How can I best support and nurture life? What can I salvage from the past, and what needs to go?
The July eclipses in Cancer and Capricorn are a precursor to next year’s do-or-die Saturn-Pluto conjunction. This transit demands that we hold power in more effective ways. One way to do that is by supporting causes that nurture life on this planet. Toward that end, I’m offering you a chance to win a free reading by donating at least $10 to togetherrising.org. Email me your donation receipt by July 2 and you’ll be entered in a drawing for the reading. I’ll contact the winner after that date to schedule it!