Mom and Dad at Camp Cedar Glen, mid-Sixties

My Virgo mother disliked camping almost as much as she did gardening. The dirt! The bugs! It was more than her fastidious nature could handle. Each summer, however, she’d put on her tennies and sun hat to accompany us to church camp in the local mountains – but only because there were cabins to sleep in.

With the Sun, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn in Virgo, Mom displayed her reliable, whip-smart, down-to-earth nature in different ways. She was the best principal’s secretary San Diego High School ever had, literally running the school for two decades. Once a formidable singer with big bands, she held down the alto part in the church choir for almost 50 years. Dad and I knew better than to bring her any (icky!) second-hand treasures from our frequent thrift store excursions, though we sure did appreciate her home-cooked meals and how she managed life so masterfully, with such devotion.

Mom taught me that there are many ways to kneel and kiss the ground. And it’s a lesson I’m doing my best to apply, in this fraught time when the Earth and her creatures so desperately need our care. How I wish Mom was still here, so I could seek her counsel about how best to serve. But I think she would just smile at me, and tell me to do my best. It’s what she always did. So when I start to envy her for being beyond the cares of the world, I remember that I chose to be alive at this crucial point in history, to join with others and be of service, using the talents I was given to make a difference.

And now, with five planets congregating in the dedicated sign of Virgo, is the time to heed the call. At the upcoming New Moon (Friday, August 30, 3:37 a.m. PDT). Mercury will have just entered its home sign of Virgo, honing the message to a razor’s edge. The New Moon also links up with the recent Mars-Venus conjunction, reminding us that action fused with desire can now be harnessed in service to something greater. Because all these planets trine Uranus in practical Taurus, innovative solutions become readily apparent and accessible. The visionary Jupiter-Neptune square, back in orb now that Jupiter is direct, also catalyzes the New Moon. This brings a mystical, inspired (though potentially delusional or overblown) element to the mix, along with a rising swell of hope.

If you’ve been wondering what your next step is, this New Moon has a download for you – so listen closely. For many of us, our work is coming together as we tweak and up-level it. Job-seekers and those pursuing better health should gain traction. Most importantly, it’s a sacred call to those who love the Earth to stand as stewards for life. If you’ve been feeling apathetic or hopeless, these energies can act as a bracing tonic, charging you to pay attention and take some action, especially on the climate crisis. For inspiration, here are some great organizations, articles and events: www.rainforest-alliance.org

6 thoughts on “Virgo New Moon: Kiss the Ground

  • August 27, 2019 at 10:01 pm

    Thank you Dearest Simone!
    Today is my Bdy too and what a gift to read your blog and that your mom was also born on the same day as me!.
    I send you a big hug with lots of love and lollies

    • August 27, 2019 at 10:23 pm

      Big hugs and lollies back atcha, Francesca! How lovely that you and my darling mum share a birthday. Happy New Moon!

  • August 28, 2019 at 4:40 am

    Today my Granny would be 106. She was driven — a joyful, present participant in life. Happy to know she’s part of a wonderful peer group

    • August 28, 2019 at 7:41 pm

      That perfectly describes my mom as well, Janine! Birthday blessings to your Granny in heaven!

  • August 29, 2019 at 2:32 pm

    Lovely to know a bit of your background, especially as it applies itself so practically to the Virgo energies we swim in. I too grew up in San Diego area. Miss it like hell as we are presently in Boston, where winter’s are far too harsh for ‘sand-toes’. Always appreciate your Astro-insights. Inspiring!

    • August 29, 2019 at 3:38 pm

      So glad you are enjoying the blogs, Samantha! And yes, San Diego was a great place to grow up. It’s changed a lot, though I’m sure the weather still beats Boston’s! Happy New Moon…


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