In the midst of a pandemic, as we scramble to shore up our financial resources, comes a timely blessing and opportunity. Tomorrow, March 27th we have Venus, powerful in her own sign of Taurus along with the Moon, exalted in Taurus, on a Friday, the day that’s sacred to Venus, under a waxing Moon. There was something similar on March 8 when the Moon was in Virgo, but March 27 is the last (and best) day this year that meets traditional requirements for making a talisman to gain Venus’ favor. Creating a talisman is a time-honored way to capture a favorable energy at an auspicious time. You could paint a stone, carve a symbol onto a piece of metal, draw a picture or create a medallion to honor Venus.
Venus talismans are often made to attract love. And you could use this potent window of opportunity for that purpose. Yet because Venus and the Moon are in Taurus (a money sign) making lovely trines to beneficent Jupiter and wealth-promoting Pluto in Capricorn, a business sign, I think this opportunity would be best applied to invoke for prosperity for yourself and others. Also, Capricorn is not known for conferring unearned blessings (like lottery wins), but whatever efforts you may have been making toward financial stability, security and prosperity are in line to be rewarded.
So join me in capturing the Venusian blessings tomorrow by making a talisman at the Venus hour (6:41 a.m. to 7:43 a.m. PDT or 1:54 p.m. to 2:56 p.m. PDT). And please keep me posted on your results!
Start by creating a Venus altar. Drape a beautiful cloth over a table top or shelf, and add items that speak to beauty and abundance. This may include flowers (yellow or pink would be lovely), a jar of honey, jewels and artwork, and images of financial stability and growth. Add two candles of whatever color you may have handy; Venus especially loves pink, yellow and blue.
Gather the elements for your talisman beforehand, but don’t put them all together until the Venus hour. For instance, with the talisman I’m creating, I first traced a circle of the shape and size I wanted onto cardboard; you can also repurpose a medallion if you have one. Then I painted the board with black nail polish on both sides. As much as I admire Abraham Lincoln, I prefer to not have his face on my talisman. So I embellished five shiny pennies (the number five is sacred to Venus, and her metal is copper) with gold glitter glue (the Tulip brand from Michaels is best). I trimmed the medallion with red glitter glue, and added a pink jewel to the center. During the Venus hour on Friday, I’ll use my hot glue gun to secure the coins and jewel on the front, and the ends of the black cord necklace onto the back.
On Friday during one of the Venus hours, dress in something beautiful, like a silk kimono. Venus loves beauty and favors those who make an effort to please her! You might also light your favorite incense, play beautiful music or do whatever makes you feel prosperous and generous. Then light the candles and invoke Venus by saying something like, “Glorious Venus, I call forth your presence!” State your intention, such as “Thank you for bringing me renewed prosperity and security, and the means to aid others in need.” Breathe in her presence. Then put the final touches on your talisman and place it on the altar. Blow out the candles when you feel complete. You can wear or carry your talisman if you wish, knowing that it is blessing you in mysterious ways. And, watch your dreams and intuition for any messages.
Hello Simone< I came to see you a few years ago and since that time have been following your writings. Purchased your moon book! Loved it!! In this challenging time its so nice to receive guidance !!
So glad you’re enjoying my writings, Therese! Many blessings to you…
I’m going to try this. Thanks for sharing. It seems like such a beautiful and personal and inspiring way to give tribute and bring forth some positive vibes. Thanks for sharing.
Yes it does feel wonderful to do a Venus ritual! Let me know how it goes…
I read this just in time! My Sun is 20 degrees Taurus. Thank you!!!!!
Yay! This is tailor-made for you, Teresa. Let me know how it goes!
I’d love to upload a photo of my ‘talisman’ and altar. Thank you so much, so much.
Please do! Why not post it to my Facebook page so all can see? (I’m not sure if you can post in this format.) Search on FB for AstroAlchemy or just my name for the personal page. Can’t wait to see it!
Will this still be worthwhile if I can’t do it during one of the specified times? I hope so because this looks like so much fun!
Well, I’d say it’s certainly worth doing even if it’s not at the exact time. Today and tomorrow both contain auspicious Venus energies so give it a go, and let me know if it works! I just did mine and I feel so full of Venus energy I could almost burst! 🙂