Some stars burn more brightly than others; Ruth Bader Ginsburg was one of them. She mightily stoked the fires of justice, leaving a legacy we’d all do well to emulate. In the wake of her recent passing, Marianne Williamson wrote: “As sorry as I am that she’s gone, for all the obvious reasons, I think that all of us need to be glad for her. If anyone deserves a rest, it is she.” The author and activist went on to say that many of her generation, the Baby Boomers (those of us with Pluto in eternally-youthful Leo) have failed to fully grow up – and the world is now dealing with the consequences of our prolonged adolescence. “But you can’t say that about people like RBG,” Williamson added. “She was mature in every possible way. And now it is our turn to show up, to be mature, to serve our country.”
Ginsburg placed a high value on being a professional. To her, this meant doing something outside herself to make life better for those less fortunate. As she put it, “That’s what I think a meaningful life is – living not for oneself, but for one’s community.” With her strong mind and tender heart (Pisces Sun, Scorpio Moon), RBG practiced what she preached. Her exit at this critical time serves to punctuate her unwavering message of justice for all. She was indeed a fighter – but a civil and respectful one.
The same cannot be said for some Americans these days, who are stoking fires of hatred and exclusion. It’s tempting to blame aggressive Mars, now retrograde in Aries (through early Nov.), for sparking the heated mess we’re in. But is it really his fault? The ancients believed that when planets were retrograde or stationary direct, their powers became amplified – for good or ill. With Mars close overhead during his backward journey, we’d be smart to salute his power and let it infuse us with bravery and the will to act if called to do so. Aries energy can now be channeled into activism and energetic pursuits that help us gain traction. Yet there is also cause for caution, especially around Sept. 28-29 when Mars squares Saturn, which is now stationary direct. Choose your battles wisely, as frayed tempers can spark lasting damage if given free rein. On the other hand, now that Mercury is in investigative Scorpio, it’s possible to penetrate to the root of problems both personal and collective, and even shake off some tough old karmic patterns that have plagued us for lifetimes.
On the heels of that comes the Aries Full Moon (Oct. 1, 2:05 p.m. PDT), which puts its own fiery stamp on things. As the Moon in Aries (bravery, independence) opposes the Sun in Libra (justice, community), we’re asked to balance those two ends of the axis. An Aries Full Moon can be feisty and yes, immature – especially as it’s ruled by hot-tempered Mars. But the Moon’s opposition to the Sun in other-oriented Libra reminds us that there’s no need to go it alone. Truly, there is strength in numbers now.
This is the annual Harvest Moon, which falls on the heels of the Autumn Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. What are you harvesting now? What efforts and intentions that you’ve planted this year are set to bear fruit? Even if the harvest is a little leaner than usual, or feels like it’s been delayed, give thanks. It’s been a tough, unpredictable year for most of us. Perhaps all you can muster is a tip of the hat to what you have learned or been able to bear. Still, be sure to go out on the night of Sept. 30 or Oct. 1 and drawn down this fresh, vibrant energy. Do something playful. Or answer the call to justice in whatever way feels right – perhaps by joining me to contact voters in swing states. Your civic participation (as well as your vote) can make all the difference. RBG’s words about what makes for a meaningful life have never been more relevant. At this Full Moon, raise a glass of bubbly to her shining star. From her place of well-earned repose in the firmament, she cheers us on in the fight for justice and equality for all.
Blessings to you Simone!
Same to you, dear!
You are right in speaking your truth. We must vote and for Biden to save our country and the Earth, and to end the divisive, hateful and pro-chaos that has reigned since 1/20/16. Enough is enough of this destruction. Period. Short and sweet. xo, Patti
Agreed! Happy Full Moon, Patti dear! I hope all is well in your world.
Yes, yes, and yes…
Democracy is not a spectator sport ..
Vote early , do what you can.
Right on, Mary!
And so it is Simone ❤️ I not only admire your resolve but your willingness to speak your truth which I wholeheartedly agree with. Thank you Sister Simone for your eloquent words and your sincere heart ❤️❤️❤️
You’re so welcome, dear one! Love you much…
I too will be voting for Biden. But many people were devastated when Hillary did not win the election.
So I say to you what better president (45) to have to change the world to a better place.
He has destroyed everything that I believe in and has not been a very good example as a President.
But astrologically the world is meant to change in a big way. So just to bring peace to the situation if it doesn’t go our way to know there is a higher power and a bigger plan. And maybe the plan is for us to speak up and step up to the plate and create the kind of world we really want to live in.
Good point, Marcie. I dearly hope that it doesn’t take another four years of devastation for humanity to finally get the point!!
Thank you for speaking out. It is a pivotal time for us, our country, democracy, our fellow sentient beings and Mother Earth. We must all do what we can.
Yes indeed, Diana!
So proud of your courage in speaking your truth! You are an inspiration dear Simone!
Thank you dear one!
Thanks, dearest Salila! Happy Full Moon to you…
Now you talking! Love the energy behind this post. You go girl!
2020 has drawn the line in the sand. No more both sides. We must stand up, and stand firm. I am grateful to seen the greatness of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and I will joyfully vote for another trailblazer—Senator Kamala Harris for Vice-President.
You better believe I’m all for #VoteBidenHarris
Great, Linda! I have a sneaking suspicion we may be called her President Harris in the not-too-distance future!
Thank you, Simone, for taking a stand and speaking your truth and setting an example for all your readers.
It does matter, as RBG’s life proves to us that one life does matter…so yes, I’m on board and will continue to help…OUR power is in our numbers so let’s stop fighting and band together for the collective good.
Here’s to strength in numbers, Susan! Happy Full Moon…
RBG was truly a shining light showing the way to justice and fairness for all. She will be sorely missed but her legacy lives on in every woman who stands up for her rights at work and in society, every one who works for fairness and equality for self and others with respect and dignity. Keep on keeping on everyone. You voters in the US have the opportunity to inaugurate a change of president and a change of epoch. Will you all stick with the mess and oppressiveness of the past, or fire up with the courage to usher in a new era? Justice, fairness and compassion for all is what I hope you can create. This affects the whole world, not just the 52 states. Do the right thing please.
I’m with you, Karen!
Thank you Thank you Simone for speaking up.
I have signed for the forward vote. Anything to help us get back to what the Real United States
Stands for !!!!
I’m so glad you’ve joined Vote Forward, Joyce! It does make a difference, if only in making us feel we’re helping…
Thank you Simone for sharing your insight and wisdom. At this critical juncture in our country and on this planet, we must learn to listen more closely to the wisdom of our hearts, which is always in harmony with the whole of creation. I will be voting with you, for the man whose heart I can feel the strongest!
I like how you put that, Ariel – that you’re voting for the man whose heart you can feel the strongest! Blessings…
Simone, I couldn’t agree with you more. I loved Justice Ginsburg and all she stood for. Yes, we need to vote, and I think it helps to send love and hope vibrations into the world to offset the negativity out there right now….energy travels. In the very least, it will open our own hearts. Thank you for your monthly newsletters!
You’re so welcome, Mary Anne! Happy Full Moon to you…
At times living for one’s self IS living for the community, by example. In a world based on relativity until based on equality, the life seemingly of least importance is not, ever, inferior to lives more visible or of great positive impact.
Not to diminish in any way the treasure of RBG, she exists in the wholeness of her recognizers and allies and … she knew it.
Simone, I love your coming forth in truth, courage, core self.
Thank you!!
You’re welcome, dear Constance! May we all rise in courage during this soul-making time!
I love much of your language but there is one significant over sight,the full moon is conjunct Chiron within a degree or 2 so caution their are many more woundings and scapegoatings coming down our way. Thanks Bill ps Chiron is the only asteroid I use because over 30 years of using it ,it’s importance for this time has been remarkable.
You are absolutely right, Bill! I don’t know how that escaped me. I definitely work with Chiron but it seems he bit me in the butt this time!