Before Michael Beckwith became a minister and founded the Agape International Spiritual Center, he was a young man with a lot of potential who’d lost his way. The turning point came when he got caught dealing marijuana and was thrown in jail. Beckwith vowed to devote his life to God if he was set free. Released on a technicality, he returned home determined to keep his promise.
As Beckwith recounted in a recent sermon, soon thereafter a mysterious “act of God” occurred. A fire engulfed his kitchen, causing smoke damage throughout the house. Luckily, insurance paid for new carpet, paint and furnishings. But in the investigation, no evidence of an actual fire could be found! It seems that Beckwith’s home, once the site of much partying, simply wanted a fresh start. The “fire” helped him clear away the past so he could keep his bargain with the Creator. And boy did he ever! If you’ve heard Rev. Michael preach, you’ve witnessed that divine flame burning brightly in him (online services each Sunday at www.agapelive.com).
The Aries New Moon (April 11, 7:30 p.m. PDT) is here to help us all reignite that divine flame within. At this first New Moon of the astrological New Year, the Sun and Moon join Mercury, Venus and Chiron in red-hot Aries. And with all planets direct until month’s end, when Pluto turns retrograde, it’s all-systems-go for whatever new projects or fresh starts you have in mind. Still, since the New Moon squares Pluto, extra powerful due to being stationary, there may be some kind of “cleansing fire” needed to clear the way. If this should happen for you, resist the urge to control the process (unless your house catches fire!) And be extra patient with yourself and others, given the acute sensitivity of the Sun and Moon squaring Pluto.
Yet this is also a very connected New Moon – it sextiles helpful Jupiter in collaborative Aquarius as well as active Mars in communicative Gemini. Tapping the power of the group and joining with like-minded people is the key to success. Thanks to Jupiter, whatever connections you’re making or people you’re teaming up with could well bring a lucky twist to events.
If you’d like to energize your career, you can channel the Aries fire by working with the area around your front door. In Astro Feng Shui, Aries corresponds with the Career and Life Path gua, inside and outside your entryway. Begin by taking a close look at this gua. Clear away cobwebs, dust or grime. Remove items that do not resonate with a clear path forward. Add things that speak to a fresh start or that symbolize your goals.
A few suggestions:
* A fresh, new welcome mat
* A symbol of the career you’d like to energize
* Something red to hang on your door
* A mirror to symbolically reflect what you desire
* Items in rich, darker colors
On Sunday near the New Moon, light a red candle and burn some sage or incense to bless the space. Speak your intentions out loud and ask for guidance, signs or manifestations regarding where you’re headed. Then pay attention to anything that happens over the next few days. Take initiative to make changes in your career or direction in life during the period leading up to the April 26 Full Moon. And please let me know if anything interesting happens – including any noteworthy acts of God!
Thanks Simone! I was just listening to Rev. Michael B Beckwith this morning…love his energy! I’m excited to connect with like minded folks and experience bright acts of God!
Your passion is palpable
Thanks dear, I so appreciate your feedback! And yay for the Rev.!