Do you remember the Hopi Elders’ message that was circulating widely about 20 years ago? It read, in part: “There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart and they will suffer greatly. Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, and push off into the river. Keep our eyes open, and our heads above water. See who is there with you and celebrate.”
To me, this message really hits home right now as we stand on the brink of another potential world war. Certainly no one who values liberty is celebrating what’s happening in the Ukraine. Yet the river of life is indeed flowing fast, and those who are stuck in the outworn, life-denying past are fighting the current.
There’s a deluge of watery energy flowing in, and if we have the courage to let go of the shore and trust where it’s taking us, miraculous things can happen. As the Sun joins adventurous Jupiter at 12 degrees Pisces at the coming New Moon (March 2, 9:35 a.m. PST), we’re urged to plunge into the unknown. This lunation offers a potentially exhilarating dive into the wonders of the oceanic Piscean realm, since it’s ushered in by Lord Jupiter. So even though some may be gripped by fear and fury, we’d be wise to embody the conscious side of Pisces – healing, compassion and enchantment – rather than the sogginess, overwhelm and delusion of its unconscious side. How this lunation plays out for each of us depends on how conscious and centered we can remain.
This is the first time since 1856 that Jupiter and Neptune, the co-dispositors of Pisces, have been in their own sign at the Pisces New Moon. Between now and the time those two heavenly bodies embrace on April 12 at 24 Pisces, we’ll be hearing the siren call to take a leap of faith. All the planets are direct through April, so very little can stop us from pursuing our dreams.
Why not set a big, seemingly impossible intention at this New Moon? Even peace on earth is possible if enough of us are committed to it. Jupiter in Pisces knows how to make magic happen, and he particularly favors the water and earth signs now. Yet we should all stay open to portents, dreams and random encounters that conspire to sweep us into the current, reveal previously unknown truths and talents, and reinforce our faith in our higher guidance. The element of water embodies the Divine Feminine, which we’ve been sorely lacking for the last few thousand years. Now we’re flooded with Her essence, a gift of unfathomable grace that opens the floodgates of feelings and sensitivity to others. This is meant to be a cleansing process, as long as we don’t become submerged in its shadow side of depression, addiction and fear.
Rational Mercury and Saturn in Aquarius stand guard at the New Moon, offering guidelines and boundaries to help us navigate the flow. This pair is like the lifeguard blowing his whistle so swimmers can avoid the most treacherous waters. The community-oriented Aquarian influence is also seen via a supportive sextile from freedom-loving Uranus to the Sun and Moon. Plus, both Mars and Venus embrace do-or-die Pluto the following morning at 28 Capricorn. This represents a death knell for old systems, values and relationship patterns that simply don’t fit where we are headed. There can be a dangerous element to a Mars-Pluto conjunction, though, especially with Mars so strong in Capricorn and Venus now a morning star, associated with war. But even if dark forces seem to be gaining ground, they are ultimately going down.
As the Hopi Elders remind us, the river has a final destination. And that’s our reconnection with the primal feminine, in balance with the primal masculine. I’ll be ritually dancing these sacred energies into union at the New Moon. Please join me by doing whatever activity or ritual inspires you, and let’s be sure to send healing energies to those most in need. I’ll meet you at the center of the river – eyes open and heads above water. And we will celebrate together.
Just what I needed to hear! That’s so interesting that Jupiter in Pisces knows how to make things happen. I’m Virgo/ Cap/ Pisces, so lots of earth and water!
Thanks for this prompt: “Why not set a big, seemingly impossible intention at this New Moon?” I’ll be sure not to let the moment slip by!
The image you chose for this post is so heartwarming. It brings nostalgic tears. Everything seems to be bringing tears the last few days! Many precious memories.
Thank you!
Tears are all part of this Piscean deluge, Barbara, so let them flow! Glad you enjoyed the post and the image. It seemed to fit the theme. 🙂
I always enjoy your writings and try to take in what you are saying.
I do try to make it educational…hope it’s not too hard to grasp!
Exactly what I needed as a Virgo & Cap girl myself. Must say I absolutely love the pic you chose. So much joy at jumping into that flowing river. I’m with you in the middle, eyes wide open and ready to go with the flow of change !
So glad it resonated, Susan! And yes this transit should be quite beneficial to your earthy self! Many blessings…
As I was reading your message the words that reflect this moment for us all were being whispered in my ear….Dona…Nobis….Pacem.
Grant Us Peace. The energies of the Feminine can and will soften and soothe. We are United in our prayers for Mother Earth. Again, as always Simone, thank you for bringing clarity.
You’re so welcome, Christine! And yes, let peace prevail…
Your words of wisdom felt like a cosmic blessing as we let go of the shoreline on our way across the Atlantic to our new home in Portugal. Thank you for so beautifully articulating the cosmic dancing of the stars. And may Peace find its way around the globe.
Yes you really are letting go of the shoreline on this brave adventure overseas! May the waves of the sea and the dancing of the stars bless you both in your new life – even though we’ll miss you!
You are such a refreshing sparkling water Simone. Thank you so much. Peace and Love to Everyone
Ha ha! Thanks dear, I do have five planets in water signs! Much love to you…
It sounds like staying grounded in the water! I love this thought thank you for helping me to get a perspective of my dreams last night… awareness but not fear!!
Awareness but not fear sounds perfect, Tricia! New Moon blessings to you…