Are you ready for the powerful Full Blood Moon Total Eclipse in Scorpio?

I just spent a week at the Optimum Health Institute here in San Diego. It was an intense time of cleansing with wheat grass and raw foods, revving up the body, and learning more about healthy living. But when the usual coping mechanism of relying on food for comfort is taken away, you have no choice but to confront underlying dark emotions. I spent several early mornings in bed, purging toxic memories that had been stored in my body for years. Still, I knew it was as essential part of the process.

Before lunch and dinner, we’d gather as a community (there were about 20 participants from all over the country.) First we’d reflect on a spiritual passage that was read aloud, then bless the food. At the end we’d give ourselves a hug – first in one direction, then the other – to symbolically embrace both the “light” and “dark” selves within. It felt like a meaningful affirmation of self-acceptance. Honoring both my positive and negative selves was a great reminder that I’m both perfect and flawed.

It’s an apt metaphor for the upcoming Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse (May 15, 2022, 9:14 pm PDT). Scorpio is an intense water sign associated with deep feelings and darkness. A lunar eclipse occurs when the full moon slips into the Earth’s shadow—and since this one is total, it’s also known as a “blood moon.” It’s visible throughout the Americas, Africa, Europe, the Middle East and other places, but even if you can’t see the shadow you’re bound to feel it on some level. This is especially true since the eclipse conjuncts the South Node. Old patterns and dark feelings are apt to rear their heads, though it’s better to purge them privately than project them onto others.

The full moon eclipse squares Saturn, which can bring doubt or pessimism, but also helps us set boundaries and realize our limits. As eclipse expert April Elliott Kent observes, “Eclipses tell us that something in our lives needs changing, and an eclipse in aspect to Saturn brings a crisis of accountability. In what areas do you want your life to look different than it does right now? And what must you do to make it look that way?”

She goes on to note, “This is the first eclipse in Scorpio since Oct. 23, 2014. Its degree point, 25º18’ Scorpio, falls in an area of your birth chart that hasn’t seen this particular brand of emotional excavation for eight years. The first eclipse in a sign after many years unearths all kinds of stuff – and Scorpio stuff is pretty intense and emotionally raw. This eclipse, and the others in Scorpio over the next year, will touch us in sensitive places, and ask us to review and to renew our commitment to greater integrity and deeper emotional strength.”

There are several other factors vying for our attention. On May 10, Jupiter charged into fiery Aries for most of the next year, and Mercury stationed retrograde in airy Gemini for the next three weeks. Fire and air want to make things happen. Yet this combo can feel like “one foot on the gas and one foot on the brake.” To make the most it, take the next month to revise or revisit something from the past, perhaps depicted by the Gemini part of your chart, while also moving ahead carefully with renewed hope in your Aries sector.  Another factor is the current conjunction of active Mars with spacy, addiction-prone Neptune. This puts us on alert that it can be easy to slide back into old patterns, especially in the next week or so. As I’m reminding myself, it’s important to stay as conscious and compassionate as possible.

At OHI, I was reminded that it’s best to make only one big change per month (or a few smaller ones) rather than attempting to overhaul your entire life.  Since I’ve done this program twice before, I know how true this is. So if you’re attempting anything major, take it slow and easy. Allow yourself to make mistakes and take wrong turns, then simply get back on track. Small, patient steps in the right direction, even with a bit of backsliding, will get you there. Most of all, give your shadow self a hug. And be sure to go outside and honor this fabulous Full Moon on the night of May 15!

For specific advice on how this eclipses (and those upcoming) will affect you, check out this great report!

6 thoughts on “Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse: Embrace the Shadow

  • May 11, 2022 at 12:09 am

    What a special gift of healing and cleansing! I’d like to go there sometime! Your description of the stars is relevant and vitally important! I’m a Scorpio sun!

    • May 11, 2022 at 4:16 am

      Thanks dear! And yes, I’ll bet you’d really enjoy OHI. I’m finally free of food cravings and intend to keep it that way. Hope this Scorpio eclipse treats you well, Miss Scorpio!

  • May 11, 2022 at 6:48 pm

    Great info Simone! And mercury in retrograde over my birth week, oh what fun! (not!)
    Looks like lots of ‘sensitive place work’ is ahead! It sounds like a conducive time for some inner work so I will strap myself in and go for the ride!

    • May 11, 2022 at 7:12 pm

      Yes, definitely time for that inner work. But we’re no strangers to that, eh? Have a wonderful birthday, and let the Mercury Rx take you back to delightful times from the past!

  • May 14, 2022 at 4:27 am

    Very apt Simone, I have been working on accepting and loving my whole self and forgiving all those awful mean selfish etc etc past acts and parts of self I don’t like much or feel proud of as past and done with and also ways I chose to learn and grow. I hope this full moon eclipse in Scorpio can bring up some more from the depths for me to love and accept. As Jung said, as we reclaim our own shadow so we lighten the world’s shadow. And every act of love helps us all. Many blessings for your insights, Karen

    • May 14, 2022 at 1:52 pm

      Good for you, Karen! You’re very welcome for the insights. And I hope this eclipse treats you well…


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