What message might the crow have for you at this Full Moon?

Recently, I was watching a show with my cat on my lap when we were startled by three loud crow caws outside the window just behind our heads. This was unusual, as crows are rarely out at night. Three caws can signify danger, so I resolved to be extra careful in the near future. The Druid Animal Oracle revealed that Raven (and its close cousin Crow) bring initiation and protection. An extremely intelligent bird that can travel from this world to the next, said the Oracle, it blesses us with healing through the resolution of conflicts that have long lain buried in our unconscious.

Soon I was invited to a “Crow Show” at an art gallery, where I purchased a small painting of a crow. Not long after, an event occurred. I awoke at 2 a.m. with chest and back pain that turned out to be a mild heart attack. I returned from the hospital two days later feeling fine, after the doctors discovered that my arteries were clear. At no point did I feel afraid, as I knew I was protected. I suspect the attack was caused by the Moderna boosters I received over the last six months, but will never know for sure. Is this what Crow was warning me about? A friend calls it a “heart reboot” helping me to emerge even stronger and healthier in the spring, and that sounds good to me.

Since the March Full Moon is called Crow Moon by many native peoples, I decided to honor Crow in this essay. Otherwise known as the Virgo Full Moon (March 7, 4:40 .a.m. PT). this lunation occurs just prior to spring. We’re in a time of wild wind and rainstorms that mark the last hurrah of winter. Crows, too, like to stir up trouble. They are natural explorers and love shiny things, so it makes sense that their Full Moon would feature exploration, discovery and curiosity. Crow brings the “winds of change” as unpredictable energy rushes in, preparing us for a fresh start at the March 21 Spring Equinox.

At this Full Moon, the Sun in Pisces and Moon in Virgo want us to focus on healing, grounding and getting things sorted out. A flowing trine to the Moon from Uranus in Taurus facilitates any changes required to make this happen. Mercury in Pisces rules the Virgo Moon, intensifying the sense of mystery and flow, and opening the gates to the Otherworld so that we might catch a glimpse of what’s coming.

Saturn enters Pisces on March 7 as well, marking a sea change. When a major planet shifts signs, we reach a threshold. Astrologer Steven Forrest says we’re being called to mature spiritually and commit to those activities that increase our spiritual discipline (perhaps yoga, chanting or nature walks), and to minimize unhealthy addictions. Other teachers also sense a threshold is near. Mythologist Michael Meade says, “When we reach the point where we cannot turn back because the world as we knew it is already gone, the only way to continue is to cross over to what the ancients called the Far Shore, or the Otherworld.” Priestess Anaiya Sophia believes we’re entering a time when the level of consciousness on the planet has reached a point where the barriers separating the physical and non-physical realms begin to open. This is the Biblical Apocalypse, she says, which in the original Greek meant “to unveil or uncover.” We may now have more accessibility to divinity, as our universe begins to intersect with the other realms. Whether or not this turns out to be true, it’s fascinating food for thought.

However it shows up, this threshold should become even more apparent later this month as potent Pluto enters futuristic Aquarius. Meanwhile, our task is to become firmly anchored on this plane. And that’s where the Virgo Full Moon comes in.

A few suggestions for grounding:

*Simplify your life so you can relax into your body

*Fix anything broken around your home or yard

* Practice slow, deep movements like Chi Gong or Tai Chi

*Dig up the dirt and plant a garden

*Pay outstanding bills and do your taxes

*Clean your ancestor altar and offer gratitude daily

*Learn a practical skill like fermenting food or building a birdhouse

*Give away things you no longer need

Happy Full Moon – and be on the lookout for crows bearing wisdom!

16 thoughts on “Virgo Full Moon: Crow Wisdom

  • March 3, 2023 at 11:56 pm

    Happy Healthy Virgo Full Moon to you !
    Happy to hear you are feeling well

  • March 4, 2023 at 12:47 am

    Thanks Donna! Yes, here’s to a happy and healthy Virgo Full Moon for all of us!

    • March 5, 2023 at 7:45 pm

      Happy that you are well Simone. An insightful article and I am hopeful it is an important time in humanity’s evolution. I resonated with us stepping more into our spiritual selves. The last two weeks everywhere I look I see owls on Facebook, in paintings, jewelry and on book store shelves. Perhaps a sign of the death of our old selves and reaching beyond the threshold to a greater understanding? Time will tell.

      • March 5, 2023 at 8:58 pm

        Yes our totem animals are really speaking to us right now! (I noted that Owl is actually in your name). These kinds of spiritual pronouncements have been rampant since the 80s so I tend to take them with a grain of salt, but who knows – perhaps the time for spiritual awakening has finally arrived!

  • March 4, 2023 at 12:48 am

    Thank you for sharing, I always enjoy your insight and wisdom.
    Sending you healing vibes and love. Stay well.

    • March 4, 2023 at 3:04 am

      Thanks Connie! Feeling great…went to my Aqua Fitness class today for the first time since getting out of the hospital. 🙂

    • March 4, 2023 at 6:39 pm

      Dear Simone:

      Crow is my spirit animal too. I love reading your posts. But this time was concerned for your health. Glad everything is okay and that you were not afraid. Much love and thanks.

      • March 4, 2023 at 6:52 pm

        Hi Laura, I tried my best not to alarm anybody in writing this post, but decided to go ahead with it as it fit the theme and ended well. Glad you resonate with Crow as well – may it bless your Full Moon!

  • March 4, 2023 at 1:35 am

    What a thrilling time to be here on Earth, ready to serve according to our highest destiny. Your story is uplifting, especially to hear that your uncertainty resolved in a positive way. Godspeed, Simone.

    • March 4, 2023 at 3:06 am

      God – or Goddess – speed to you too, Judy dear! Yes it was fascinating to follow the trail of the Crow and see where it would lead. I love it when Nature speaks to us!

  • March 4, 2023 at 5:00 am

    Glad to hear you’re OK after the heart attack. I had a Coyote visit my backyard in December. He sat in my yard and looked right in my house as if he was looking straight in my eyes. This lasted a good half hour!! I’ve never had a Coyote in the yard and I’ve lived here for almost 25 years. On January 3rd I had intense chest and neck pain and went to ER and was diagnosed with pericarditis. I had the Pfizer bivalent booster in September. I have been thinking this was the cause of it and have wondered ever since I saw the Coyote what he was telling me with that long “sit and stare” a month before. The animals are really communicating with us! Thanks for sharing your story.

    • March 4, 2023 at 3:07 pm

      Wow that’s so interesting, Kim! Sounds like Coyote is your totem animal now. Glad you’re okay after your cardiac incident too. Those mRNA vaccines are bad news; I knew they were but felt I had no choice after J & J was forced off the market . Thank goodness we’re alive to tell the tale!

    • March 5, 2023 at 3:13 pm

      Wonderful article!
      Thank you for sharing your wisdom.
      No boosters for me!
      I have seen too many clients have heart/health issues after multiple boosters.
      Happy and healthy full Crow moon. ❤️

      • March 5, 2023 at 3:52 pm

        Thanks for the confirmation and support, dear Felisha. And yes, may Crow continue to bless us, booster-free!

  • March 5, 2023 at 6:12 pm

    Dearest Simone – wonderful post – as always. Happy to hear you have come through your heart attack and are doing well. Appreciate the medicine you have shared as well as all the other comments. I’ve not gotten the latest booster (a variety of reasons), and now even though I’ll be doing a lot of overseas traveling in the next several months thinking I might pass on this round. Use my herbs instead. Blessings to you!!

    • March 5, 2023 at 7:31 pm

      That’s probably wise, Susan! Good luck with your overseas travel, and may Crow wisdom bless you at this Full Moon and always!


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