Many in western North Carolina were hard hit by Hurricane Helene. This includes the folks at Earthaven Ecovillage near Asheville, a region previously considered a climate safe haven. After the epic storm passed, the hundred or so Earthaven members were confronted with raging rivers in their roadways, downed trees everywhere, landslides, and bridges damaged by flood waters. Still, miraculously, everyone was safe. Earthaven, established in 1994, is currently experiencing its Saturn return – a cycle of major structural change. They’re facing a long, expensive road to recovery. New roads and bridges must be built. The village economy has collapsed and many will be without employment until safe access across the mountains has been restored and visitors can come for workshops again. Like many during this unprecedented hurricane season, Earthaven got a wake-up call: They are not immune to the devastating effects of climate change. Yet they’re grateful for the protective power of community and the initiative to carry on. In the wake of Helene, they saw neighbors in the broader region come together across ideological and political divides to ensure the safety of all. Disasters tend to awaken peoples’ primal hunter-gatherer DNA, which we inherited from our ancestors who lived in communal societies. Back then, people relied on each other to get their needs met. They were keenly aware of the greater whole, including all of nature. The October Full Moon, known as the Hunter’s Moon, was a time when people would gather meat and other provisions for the long winter ahead. Even now, no matter where or how you live, it’s a good time to prepare for whatever may come. The Aries Full Moon (Oct. 17, 4:26 a.m. PT), brings us another big, bright, low-hanging lunation to illuminate these tempestuous times. The Sun and Moon form a stimulating Grand Cross in cardinal signs, associated with action, decisive events, and yes – wake-up calls. The Moon at 24 degrees of feisty Aries opposes the Sun in justice-oriented Libra. And, both square Mars in sensitive Cancer and Pluto in authoritative Capricorn. The Moon joins Chiron in Aries, which can stimulate wounds, perhaps around the need to stand up for yourself or others. Yet it also calls forth the warrior-healer within. This Full Moon is apt to spark strong feelings, and bring a call for truth and justice, especially related to climate change or political malfeasance. Mars in Cancer can be touchy, and Pluto at the final, last-gasp degree of Capricorn has a now-or-never feel to it. Yet this 29 degree Pluto (through Nov. 19), which just turned direct on Oct. 11, is now able to bring truth out into the open. This triggers the final hurrah of the patriarchy that has ruled the world with an iron fist for far too long. And once Pluto moves into Aquarius for the next 20 years, we can more easily build an equitable, just and community-based world. Let this Full Moon light a spark in you. Read your Sun and Ascendant sign for clues on how to do this: Aries: Your fighting spirit is at a peak; be a defender for friends and family, but watch your temper. Taurus: Amp up your physical strength by defending your health and tuning in to your dreams. Gemini: Share your creative genius with friends and community to bring about change. Cancer: Be assertive in speaking up about family issues and your emotional needs. Leo: Learn, grow and travel to expand your horizons and spread the good word. Virgo: Make brave but careful financial decisions to protect those you care about. Libra: Be a warrior for change as you face fierce opponents. (If, like Kamala Harris, your birthday falls nears this lunation, the next year could be a particularly powerful and life-changing one.) Scorpio: Get organized and boost your energy by paying close attention to your instincts. Sagittarius: Amp up your creative power to the max and share it with the greater world. Capricorn: Peace and justice begin at home; then you can be a trailblazer in the public eye. Aquarius: Share your wisdom in the neighborhood and watch it ripple out to broader spheres. Pisces: Focus your flame on creating more balance and equality in primary relationships. Let’s all light a candle at this Full Moon to justice, truth and community. And, if you feel called to do so, please help support Earthaven Ecovillage’s Recovery From Hurricane Helene. |
Thank you for the proactive perspective, Simone! Buckle up.
Definitely buckled up…
Curious what the comment about Trump is about? I’m independent and won’t dare do D again, enough is enough. Lies and deceit is crippling our once proud home. Remember there’s always a polar opposite from the lense you see with.
I totally agree with you, Mary. He’s the most dangerous man in America. Four years ago I was outspoken on this blog about who I was voting for (NOT Trump) and a bunch of people took me to task and unsubscribed. So that’s what I was referencing.
Quite the opposite, I’m going with Trump. She will sink what is remaining of a country, he will dig us out.
Kamala and I share the same Sun in Libra, moon in Aries configuration. And in the Chinese zodiac, we are also both Dragons.
My mother always said that I don’t tolerate fools lightly…Kamala and I share that in common as well.
It is encouraging to hear that the planets are supporting truth, justice and community.
We Are Not Going Back!
We are not going back.
Oh wow, you must be born in 1964 as well! It’s quite a chart you share with Kamala. And yes, may justice prevail…
As usual, I loved your sharing and insight.
Thank you Simone
You’re so welcome, Monica!
Thank you for all your wonderful information. I know there’s a lot to talk about because so much is going on in our world. I’m surprised what you said about Trump supporters. I would think that with what is been shown to us from Biden and Kamala Harris that everybody would be switching to Trump. And a heads up, as far as the crazy intense weather. The government has been able to control our weather for very long time and they have reasons for it. At least they think they have good reasons for it .. I’m sure it’s about money.
It sounds like we’re getting our news from very different sources, Therese. I prefer to stick with those I trust, like Reuters. Glad you enjoyed the essay!
Okay, so you want to go there?
Forgive my generalizations but …
Regardless of what I think or feel about Trump, I’d rather sit around the campfire with his voters than with the others any old day. They don’t talk politics, they share great stories and jokes. They know how to build a good safe campfire and fix things . The ones I know do not suffer from education, narcissism and wealth. They do not hate on the opposition as the opposition hates on Trump, as they are too busy working and raising their kids in intact marriages.
In the greater view as given by Astrology, the old system is unraveling one way or another.
In any accusation there are always three fingers pointing back.
With love from my full First House and Mars in Leo!
Certainly not my experience with Maga folks. They sit around and talk about how evil the Democrats are. Good for you that you don’t fit the general. Here is Ohio they have ruined our state.
It certainly is a divisive time, eh? Almost like the Civil War era, when astro cycles were similar. Lord help us all!
I’m glad you’re enjoying your Trumpers, Constance. Hope you have a happy Full Moon!
Thank you as always for a wonderful full moon story. I’ll have to check out Matthew Fox’s information. Appreciate you!
You’re so welcome, Brenda!
Thanks for the uplifting insights per usual. You can see from some of the comments we all have to activate our warrior-healer to face the lunacy that surrounds us. BTW, i like how you responded!
Thanks, Lisa! And yes it’s a very strange time. Warrior-healer activations all around!
Hi Simone! Long time no see! Fabulous essay! This full moon has the Sun on my MC and the Moon on my IC, with the Sun trining my natal Sun, Moon, Mars and Saturn! I hope this brings something good!
Sounds very illuminating, Tammie! Good to hear from you – and I hope the Full Moon brings many blessings…