Sometimes good deeds get rewarded!

At the holiday season, we all crave the comfort of family around us – as difficult as that may be this year while the pandemic rages on. But some people naturally create family all year ’round. Christie Purviance, for example, is known for treating her patients like loved ones. The Houston-area ICU nurse regularly works 15-hour shifts, going above and beyond the call of duty to comfort patients in their darkest and often final hours. In addition to their physical care, she tends to their feelings by bringing in photos of their families, helping them video chat with each other and leaving encouraging sticky-notes. And when worse comes to worst, she’s always there to comfort their loved ones.

That’s why her sister nominated Purviance for Mazda’s 50 Heroes program, which celebrates the company’s 100th year by gifting new cars to those who richly deserve them. Chosen from 1,000 nominees, the heroic nurse was thrilled to receive a brand-new Mazda MX-5 Miata for Christmas in thanks for her selfless work during the pandemic. Along with 49 others, she exemplifies Mazda’s motto of omotenashi, or putting other people first. (Another recipient of the prize keeps a food bank stocked by using part of his unemployment funds. Someone else prints 3-D equipment for medical workers on his own printer. And yet another creates and hand-delivers custom curricula, goodie bags and medals for her students during lockdown.)

While you may not have received a snazzy new car for your efforts, chances are you’ve done something to lighten another’s load in this unprecedented year – from donating money, to reaching out to someone who’s suffering, to staying home when you’d rather be partying. It’s what we do when times are hard: we pull together as a community.

As 2020 finally draws to a close, the Cancer Full Moon (Tuesday, Dec. 29, 7:28 p.m. PST) reminds us that we are all family. There is heightened sensitivity and hopefully greater empathy as this Full Moon approaches, with the Capricorn Sun and Cancer Moon squaring Chiron in Aries. Being a renegade and doing your own thing are less important now than thinking of what’s best for all. But if you’re not in the mood to cozy up to certain people this holiday season, even on Zoom, independent Uranus trine the Sun and sextile the Moon provides a bit of breathing room. Still, Cancer Full Moons are emotional and often prompt a good cry. This one coincides with a poignant square from Venus to Neptune. If you feel sad or nostalgic, reach out to a loved one. Reminisce about the past, and share your hopes for the future. Whatever losses you may have endured this year, allow yourself to mourn them now.

Things have accelerated since the Dec. 21 Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius – which opened a doorway to progressive change. And just after that came the final square from Mars in Aries to Pluto in Capricorn – a tense aspect of letting go of the status quo. We were all inspired by the Solstice Star and its promise of hope and renewal. But there are still some battles to be fought as the patriarchal paradigm bites the dust. So have faith that a new order is emerging. Feel your feelings at this Full Moon, and care for your human family in whatever way feels right to you. Have a lovely holiday!

8 thoughts on “Cancer Full Moon: All in the Family

    • December 24, 2020 at 9:28 pm

      Same to you, Mikey! And yes, let’s hope that Solstice Star illuminates all kinds of inspiring possibilities…

  • December 24, 2020 at 11:24 pm

    I am so grateful for your insights and wisdom that you send out to your readers Simone, we all need a light to guide us through this sometime dark world. Thank you. May the Blessings of Aquarius, and the Light of the Cancer Moon, bring a relief to all this coming year.
    I wish you a swift and complete healing from your surgery, and Love and Light as 2021 arrives to do its work on us all. Many Blessings, Josia (Australia)

    • December 25, 2020 at 2:41 am

      You are so welcome, Josia! And yes I too hope that the light of this tender Cancer Full Moon helps bring some relief as we slide out of 2020 into a New Year!

  • December 25, 2020 at 4:48 pm

    Dear Simone, playing c/w Christmas songs gets that Cancer Moon’s tears flowing with the delicious and necessary mix of grief, loss, and especially overwhelming love. Recommended! women have forgotten to weep.
    So glad for you the procedure went well. Wishing you quick recovery and thank you for your shared commitment of insight, compassion, wisdom. And an unusually good Holi-day season.

    • December 25, 2020 at 6:09 pm

      Thanks dear one, same to you! And keep those tears flowing – c/w or otherwise!

  • December 27, 2020 at 12:49 am

    Merry Christmas, Solstice Blessings and Happy New Year to everyone. May we be united in peace, joy, cooperation and love with all beings. Let’s create the world anew!
    Thank you Simone for your lovely insights and for sharing your wisdom. Best wishes for a speedy recovery too.
    Stellar blessings, Karen

    • December 27, 2020 at 2:36 am

      Thanks, Karen! And yes, here’s to creating the world anew…


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