The 1896 Quadricycle was Henry Ford’s first attempt to build a gasoline-powered automobile. He patched together an iron frame, a leather belt, a chain drive, a buggy seat and a primitive ignition system. The result was sketchy, but it ran! Ford sold the Quadricycle for $200, then used the money to build his second car – which evolved, by 1908, into the best-selling Model T. And the rest, as they say, is history.
Commercially, the Quadricycle may have been a failure, but to Ford it was an invaluable learning experience. It helped him get closer to his vision of an affordable, reliable vehicle. He didn’t allow himself to get sidetracked by doubts or naysayers. He just regrouped and tried again.
Unlike Ford, most of us do not welcome failure or celebrate our mistakes. We prefer to hide them or despair about what went wrong – whether relationships that tanked or career and financial disappointments. Yet it’s possible to change our thinking about this. Sweden has an actual Museum of Failure, which celebrates over 100 unsuccessful products from the Sony Betamax to the 1957 Ford Edsel. And I remember reading a while back about a Hollywood restaurant where each time a server makes a mistake – delivers the wrong food, breaks a glass – they immediately shout it out, and everyone claps and cheers. Imagine how different life would be if we honored the things that didn’t work out. Without them, we could never have progressed to where we are today, or deepened into who we’ve become.
As we enter the potent field of the Sagittarius Full Moon total eclipse (May 26, 4:13 a.m. PDT), it’s good to keep an open mind to whatever may transpire. Not that failures are necessarily on the horizon, but as April Elliott Kent wisely put it in her recent webinar on the topic, eclipses are all about crisis. Especially when they trigger a planet or an angle in your natal chart, she said, they’re meant to startle you into deeper awareness – whether through happy or sad events that act as turning points in your life. (To learn how the upcoming eclipses are likely to affect you, order April’s terrific report, Followed by a Moonshadow).
The upcoming eclipse happens at 5 degrees Sagittarius, so anyone with important points from one to nine degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces will be affected. It’s a South Node eclipse, which is about release and letting go. And since it falls in Sagittarius, the sign of doctrines, judgments, faith and vision, it may call you to part ways with old beliefs and ways of life that are no longer serving you. But as April noted, since the Full Moon squares optimistic Jupiter, this eclipse brings reason for faith in the future. Bear in mind, however, that there are still more to come. The June 10 Gemini solar eclipse is part of this eclipse family (which runs from June 2020 to Dec. 2021), and the full story may not be told until later this year.
Meanwhile, we’re itching to be on the move. Yet strict Saturn will have just turned retrograde on May 23 (through Oct. 10), which can feel restrictive or insist that we obey the rules. The upcoming lunar eclipse also occurs just prior to Mercury’s backward turn on May 29 (through June 22). We’ll all be feeling a strong freedom urge over the coming weeks, but may be stymied in our attempts to move ahead quickly. Mercury is retrograde in intelligent Gemini, one of the signs that it rules, which makes this a good time to think carefully about where we’re going and how best to get there.
The total lunar eclipse, though not visible in the U.S., will closely trigger our natal Uranus (rebellion and change) and our Ascendant-Descendant axis (us vs. them). Since the Nodes are involved at an eclipse, fateful or unexpected events are possible. For example, May 25, the day before the eclipse, is the one-year anniversary of George Floyd’s death. This could act as a lightning rod for expressions of freedom, justice and rebellion. It is a Full Moon in extroverted, fiery Sagittarius, after all! The U.S. may also experience some intense interactions with other countries around this time.
In your personal life, take time to review the past over the next few weeks. Look for the learning in your “failures” and uncover any hidden prejudices that you’re ready to shed. Unshackle yourself from old ways of perceiving yourself and the world. Keep your eye on the prize. And if, God forbid, you should fail or make a mistake, just raise a toast to the pragmatic Mr. Ford – and give yourself a round of applause for not giving up!
Simone, So very glad to hear from you regarding the full moon/eclipse. I had just been considering what I could do to honor/acknowledge the event. Interesting how the universe works and knows just what you need and when. Morning meditations have been gently guiding towards the unshackling of perceived beliefs of self and the world at large. Warmest regards
How perfect, Christine! May this eclipse lead you even deeper into the mystery!
Thank you so much for this important report. So much Love
You’re so welcome, Francesca! Much love to you as well…
Simone, Thank you for guidance for the upcoming full moon eclipse. Once again, different words, same message..
Warmest regards
Glad to be of service, Christine! Happy Full Moon to you…
Eclipse happens exact on my IC/MC. I just went into escrow on a new house. Thanks for the insight dear friend.
OMG how appropriate is that?! Congratulations, Guy!
Oh swell. This leaves me so nervous. I’m not “fond” of change, or even letting go of failures. Even an albatros necklace is easier to deal with than facing a leap into the void. I hope I can feed off of your positivity! Thank you for a trail of crumbs to follow!
You’re so welcome, Diana! Here’s to changes that that arrive with grace and ease…for you and all of us!
yay Simone – let’s celebrate our failures as the true learning experiences they re – soul growth unlimited!
Happy Full Moon eclipse everyone 🙂
And to you, Karen! Many blessings…
Thank you for this fabulous recap and your keen insight Simone. Yes, let’s celebrate failures and use that energy to propel us into an even better future. This eclipse falls within 3 degrees of my north node. my first book coolaboration (Dorm Room Feng Shui) was published June 1, 2005 … during a similar eclipse you wrote about. This eclipse, I’m publicizing another book (Money Is an Energy Game). You tuned me into the synchronicity!
Wow, that is certainly synchronistic, Peg! Glad you enjoyed the essay, and good luck with the Money book!!
Simone, it was serendipity that I got your lunar eclipse message this morning. My Pisces son is moving to Arizona, my Sagittarius daughter who just got a new job was born on my Nov. 23 birthday, and most of my planets are in Sag or Gemini, with Venus and the sun in Sag, and Uranus, Mercury and Saturn in Gemini. I’m keeping a positive outlook but I’ve got to be ready for anything. I’m joining a 4th state study starring a pill that has been shown to fix lazy heart valves without surgery on Friday. So while I wish you well, say a prayer for me that this works and I can live to be 100. Best regards, Sue
I hereby affirm that you are blessed with total health and well-being in every way, and that the entire universe conspires to strengthen and heal your heart valves to the peak of efficiency! Many blessings to you…
Brilliantly said Simone! I love the Ford story and reminder to look at any set-backs or perceived failures as clues to how to move forward. Thank you for you insights and easy to use in real life words of wisdom!
Thanks so much for the affirmative words, Susan! So glad you enjoyed the essay and yes, I do really try to use ‘real life words’ so the message hits home. Glad to hear that it did for you!! Blessings!
Just loved it! Thanks so much. I truly appreciate your wisdom and insights!!
So glad it was helpful, Adriana! Many lunar eclipse blessings to you…