Not long ago, singer Julia Price was getting some exercise, running along her usual path down a Chicago street, when she heard an older man yelling – loudly enough for her to hear through her headphones – “Sexy lady, hey hey hey sexy lady!” He kept screaming it, but she
Virgo Full Moon Eclipse: Becoming Nobody
In his seminal book Grist for the Mill, Ram Dass shared his experience of teaching meditation to prison inmates, including those on death row. He observed that the inmates condemned to die welcomed the teachings. They were so serene that he felt humbled to be in their presence. But when
Pisces New Moon: Navigating Overwhelm
During a particularly harsh Arctic winter in December 1984, native folks near the Bering Sea spotted over 2,000 beluga whales trapped by thick ice. Masses of frozen water were rapidly closing in on the mammals, squeezing them tightly together. For weeks, rescuers patiently hacked through the ice as best as
Leo Full Moon: Be the Light
Some years ago, writer Elizabeth Gilbert was stuck on a crosstown bus in New York City during rush hour. As she recalled, “The bus was filled with cold, tired people who were deeply irritated – with one another, with the rainy, sleety weather, with the world itself. Two men barked
Aquarius New Moon: Snake Power
When Luna first held a snake as a young child, she fell in love with it. Over the years she’s admired and handled a wide variety of (even venomous!) snakes, with the expert guidance of folks at the San Diego Herpetological Society. She received a junior reptile handler’s license at
Cancer Full Moon: Time to Shine
Most people associate Whitney Houston with the iconic hit “I Will Always Love You” (from her sexy 1992 movie The Bodyguard). But it was Dolly Parton who actually wrote the song in 1973 when, as a 22-year-old up-and-coming country singer, she was struggling with a professional breakup – not a
Capricorn New Moon: Reclaiming Power
Susan Chernak McElroy was desperately seeking a miracle in her struggle against advanced cancer. In her deeply moving book, Animals as Teachers and Healers, the author recounts her experience being part of a support group in which 24 cancer patients danced, meditated, painted and chanted for a healing vision. “We
Gemini Full Moon: Unexpected Uplift
As the holiday season of 1938 approached, Chicago-based Bob May wasn’t feeling very joyful. The 34-year-old ad writer for Montgomery Ward was exhausted and almost broke. His wife was bedridden, at the bitter end of a two-year battle with cancer, leaving Bob to look after their four-year-old, Barbara. Barbara didn’t
Sagittarius New Moon: Bells are Ringing
On April 15 2019, a horrific fire broke out in the roof area of the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris. When the spire collapsed, it created a draft that slammed all the doors and propelled a fireball through the attic. Shortly before the spire fell, the fire had spread
Taurus Full Moon: Feet on the Ground
During the Civil War, brothers fought against brothers over the right to keep human beings as property. Decades of controversy were brought to a head when Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 presidential election, triggering seven Southern slave states to secede from the U.S. The war began on April 12, 1861,
Scorpio New Moon: Kindness is a Superpower
Years ago, on a train headed to Tokyo, Terry Dobson witnessed something that changed his life. It was a peaceful afternoon and the car was relatively empty. Then the train stopped, the doors opened and suddenly the quiet was shattered by violent curses. A big, drunken man in dirty laborer’s
Aries Full Moon: A Wake-up Call
Many in western North Carolina were hard hit by Hurricane Helene. This includes the folks at Earthaven Ecovillage near Asheville, a region previously considered a climate safe haven. After the epic storm passed, the hundred or so Earthaven members were confronted with raging rivers in their roadways, downed trees everywhere,
Libra New Moon: Speak Your Peace
Nobody could have foreseen the young Mohandas Gandhi becoming a world leader. Small and unassuming, with a big nose and jug ears, the Hindu boy was so shy he couldn’t speak up for himself. But another side of him began to arise after he was married at 13 to a
Pisces Full Moon: Oneness With All
Photo of red-tailed hawk by Erin Western This year, the San Diego region has been experiencing heat waves and drought conditions that have severely impacted local wildlife. All over California, birds and mammals are suffering from dehydration and heat stress – especially this week, as temperatures soared into the triple
Virgo New Moon: Coming Clean
Most of us will remember Don Henley’s 1982 smash hit “Dirty Laundry.” The catchy tune was a scathing send-up of tabloid journalism, which was then on the rise. To air one’s dirty laundry means to discuss or argue about unpleasant or private things in front of others. And although the