At the age of 86, my dad was in so much pain he could barely walk. Soon after I moved in to care for him, he collapsed trying to get out of bed.…
Pisces Full Moon: Compassion in Action
There was a lot of speculation prior to last month’s New Moon/total solar eclipse about what might happen. Earthquakes? Martial law? Impeachment? Certainly, the nasty conflagration in Charlottesville was related to the eclipse, as well as assorted gnarly doings on high that still haven’t fully played out.…
Pisces Full Moon: Fill Your Bucket
Yesterday I got a message from a client, asking if the world is really going to end in September. Apparently there have been reports of impending doom, from an asteroid hitting the earth (disproved by NASA) to the culmination of a series of Blood Moons predicted in the Bible to mark the end days.…